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A/N: Thank you everyone for all the votes and views! I appreciate your support!! Now here is Chapter 10~

Mirajane cleared the booths of the guild. It was early in the morning, no one was there except her and the master. She hummed a little tune to make her work a bit enjoyable. She would visit Lora later in the afternoon so she had something else to look forward to.

Looking over at Makarov she smiled. The old man was snoozing; she giggled to herself.

"Silly master," She cooed as she continued her work, walking behind the counter once she finished clearing the booths of the trash and other things lying about.

"I wonder what Lora-chan is up too..." She hummed, her blue eyes shining in curiosity.


Lora sat up in her jail cell, her legs were crossed and her eyes closed. She decided that she would meditate. Inhaling the air around her, she felt the stress she had built up leave her in her exhale. Channeling her magic energy into her core, she exhaled once more.

"Enyo, I know you can here me in there,' Lora stated calmly.

No response.

"I know you don't like me but we are in this together. We are both responsible for the tragedy in Crocus and--" Lora began but was interrupted by a random laugh.

"You honestly consider that a tragedy? I think that it was another masterpiece of mine. However, there could've been more bloodshed in my opinion." A woman's voice sounded.

Lora's eyes shot open as she analyzed her surroundings. She came up with nothing, no one was in the room with her. Scrambling from her seated position, Lora looked through the bars hoping to find the person who just said that.

"You can't see me you fool! I am in your mind right now...If only I could've embodied that sister of yours, ugh." The voice said in disgust.

Lora gasped in realization, "E-Enyo?!"

Enyo sighed in annoyance, "Yes you idiot, now what do you want?"

Lora's face suddenly went from shock to a serious one. She had so many questions to ask her. Why did she do this? What did she believe she could gain from killing all those people? Why did she stay within the Velandia family when she could have went somewhere else?

"I don't have all day girl. This is actually hurting me." Enyo admitted, scoffing at Lora's concerned look.

"H-how exactly?" Lora stammered, not quite trusting herself to say anything more.

"I am still healing. You may feel fine, but I feel like utter shit right now. If only that stupid man had done that spell right..." Enyo groaned.

This made Lora confused. What did Aiden do wrong?

"He didn't cast the spell right. Instead of using the four needed elements, he only used three." Enyo informed, causing Lora to tilt her head in confusion.

"Four elements? Like Fire, Air, Water, and Earth?" Lora asked for clarification.

"Exactly that, however he was too impatient to get the final element, water. He used his son's earth god slayer magic, his own air magic and Hiro's fire to fuel the lacrima instead. He could've used his Hurricane spell to provide some water to the lacrima, yet he was too eager to summon me to complete what needed to be done."

Lora nodded in understanding. So that's why I was able to overpower her? To think I thought that I had gotten stronger...It was because she was at her weakest. But if she could kill over 4,000 people at her weakest then...

Finding Something New|Natsu X Erza| A Fairy Tail StoryWhere stories live. Discover now