Reign of a Goddess

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A/N: I hope you enjoy this chapter you guys!

Erza sat across from Natsu in a small booth. Natsu had dragged her to Fruit's Park, a little sweets shop known for it's caramel mousse. Her eyes sparkled in joy when the waitress served her caramel mousse. She scooped up a spoon full and placed the treat in her mouth, moaning in pleasure. Natsu blushed as he shoveled some of his chocolate cake in his mouth to distract himself. Wiping her mouth with her napkin she looked to Natsu.

"So how's your cake?" She asked, eyeing the triple chocolate cake. It did look delicious.

"It's amazing here, here try some," Natsu offered, scooping some chocolate cake onto his fork and placed it in front of Erza's mouth. Erza leaned forward and opened her mouth to accept it.

"Wow, that is amazing!" She confirmed, giving off a dreamy faced look.

Natsu chuckled at the girl as he finished off the rest of his cake. He then began to think about what was happening.

"Hey Erza what are we now?" He asked, as he looked to the scarlet haired woman. Erza looked puzzled for a moment but answered him back.

"Well since we just went on our first date, I would assume that we are now boyfriend and girlfriend." She explained, as she sat up from her previous position. She smiled at the salmon haired boy in pure love. He returned it just the same.

"We should head back." She suggested as she went to reach for her wallet. But her boyfriend beat her to it as he placed the money down on the table for the bill. Erza smirked at this.

"Why aren't you quite the gentleman?" She teased as she pulled him closer by grabbing his scarf, planting a peck on his lips. Natsu blushed at her actions but shifted closer to her, clearly wanting more. However, Erza playfully patted his head and slid from behind the table, breaking into a jog.

"Later, Natsu!" She called as she was now running out the shop back to the guild. Natsu's eyes widened in shock.

"Oi, wait Erza why not now?!" He whined as he chased after his girlfriend. Erza only laughed in response to him as she picked up her speed.

Aiden was tapping his foot impatiently as he glared at the lacrima. Roy quietly stood by his side. The atmosphere was tense with the suspense of Lora's reveal.

"She should be out by now!" Aiden said, his voice dripping with anger. Roy only closed his eyes. He knew not to say anything when Aiden was like this. The only result of him saying something would lead to Aiden maiming him. This was the way he ruled this guild. But Roy still stayed loyal to him, because when he was a child Aiden took him in. That was when he had some moral left in his conscience. Now he is a broken man, driven by power and greed.

Suddenly, the lacrima had burst open; shards flew across the room and a light blue mist flooded out its remains. Aiden and Roy shielded their faces with their sleeves. After the mist had cleared, the men's eyes widened in amazement. Their standing before them was the Goddess of Destruction.

Her dark brown hair was longer than its usual beyond shoulder length and seemed to float around her from her strong blue aura; a long strand curled sharply over her right eye. She is paler than usual and her brown eyes had turned dark blue, her lips covered in light blue lipstick. She adorns an above knee length, short puff sleeve black dress, outlined with dark lavender lines at the bottom and a drooping blue ribbon. Her left eye has a light blue dew drop tattoo at the bottom followed by a dot. Same for her knees, that have a large upside down dew drop mark with three dots curving around it. A circular lacrima lies inside her belly button, glowing an ominous dark purple. On her head she wears a light blue ribbon tied together by silver beads.

Finding Something New|Natsu X Erza| A Fairy Tail StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora