The Inevitable

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Lora and Erza had finally made their way back to the guild members. Lora could feel her heart beat gradually increase the closer she got to the group. She knew to always trust Erza's word, but with everything that she had done before, she couldn't just believe that they would accept her with open arms. Her dark brown eyes shifted over to her little sister. Erza had a determined look on her face. However, her eyes still held the warmth that Lora always loved to see. Sighing, Lora signaled Erza to stop in front of Makarov by blocking her way with her arm.

"Master I-"

Lora's eyes widened as she felt someone wrap their arms around her body. Turning around she saw none other than her white-haired friend; Mirajane. 

Mirajane had a look of relief on her face after seeing her new friend was okay. She couldn't believe that it was Lora who had terrorized the town; not the quirky and kind girl she knew. She gently pushed Lora away, wiping away the tears that had slipped out of her eyes. She then gave a heartwarming smile.

"You don't need to apologize child. We knew that whoever was in that article wasn't you." Makarov stated as he looked to the tall young woman.

Lora choked back a sob. She had never felt so welcomed by anyone. All her childhood was spent being disciplined, beaten, and even being maimed. During those cold periods in time, she had kept to knowing that her sister was out there somewhere to feel some kind of warmth.

"Thank you everyone," She said as she looked around to see all the guild members, who in turn gave her reassuring smiles. 

"But due to your kindness, I know that I need to explain what had previously occurred." She stated seriously.

"Let us head back to the guild then. Everyone get into groups!" Makarov suggested, signalling the guild members to group up.


'They will forgive you Lora, just explain everything to them. They are kind people.' Lora chanted to herself, keeping her eyes ahead. She took in shaky breaths until she was able to somewhat fake ease. 

Currently, she, along with her sister were sitting in a carriage next to Lucy. Poor Gray had to sit next to a motion sick Natsu, who held his stomach in pain. 

"Why didn't we let Wendy tag along?" He whined, breaking the silence. He resisted the urge to vomit as the cart's wheel had hit rock in the road, causing the whole carriage to sway.

"It'll be okay Natsu, besides Wendy needed a rest as well. She put up a pretty good fight in your stead for a while." Lucy said as she patted her friend's knee. Natsu groaned in discontent, clutching his aching stomach.

"Yeah, She has gotten strong huh?" Gray replied as he remembered how Wendy was toe to toe with Marius for a while. Erza had smiled in pride for her younger nakama, remembering just how far she has come since she had joined the guild.

Lora had looked at the friends her sister had made wistfully. She was so proud of her sister's nakama, but she couldn't help but feel a bit disconnected from it all. She had just came back into Erza's life and had already put her guild and Erza herself in danger.

To top it off, she was now a murderer. Over 4,000 innocent lives were taken by her. Just thinking about it made her sick to her stomach. She knew that she couldn't bring them back. Lora closed her eyes and inhaled. After a while, she forgot to exhale as she became enveloped in her thoughts. Suddenly the body of a dead little girl with short dark brown hair flashed in her mind, causing her to quickly exhale and open her eyes; a frantic look etched itself on her face.

"Are you okay Lora-chan?" Lucy asked in concern, placing her hand on the manipulation mage's quivering shoulder. Erza and the others looked on in concern as well. Even Natsu forgot about his motion sickness at the moment.

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