Meet Me Halfway

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A/N: The story is now set after the Oracion seis arc, so Wendy and Carla have already joined Fairy Tail. It is before the Edolas arc though. I just wanted to tell you guys so you wouldn't be confused. 

Lora paced around her room. "How are we going to do this Marius? I mean I'm with you through thick and thin but those guild members out there are ruthless. You are like a fluffy teddy bear compared to them." Marius' head swung around from his place on her bed to glare, exhaling deeply; "I'm just going to ignore that last comment. We are going to be fine. They may be trained assassins but we have a secret weapon."

"Secret weapon?—Oh no you don't! I am not going to get involved Marius!" Lora exclaimed, red in the face with eyes raw with emotion. She was always against her magic. Not only because she was being used by Marius' father to obtain power by it but due to a day in her past.


"Erza slow down! If you keep running like that I won't be able to find you!" Lora warned. The seven year old was speeding through the local market. They needed to get a cake for Erza's mother for it was her birthday. "Come on slowpoke!" Smiling Lora jogged after her younger sister. She was always a bundle of joy.


"Erza?!" Running over to her sister, Lora searched for any cuts or injuries.

"I'm fine Lo-chan." Erza dismissed.

It had seemed as though the whole market place had become vacant except there was one ominous presence. Looking up Lora saw a huge man, dressed in a black cloak. He was glaring at the two girls. Lifting up his hand he went to lash Erza in the face.

"No!" Lora exclaimed, channeling her manipulation magic. A green magic circle appeared below the man.

Suddenly he froze, his whole body stiff as a board.

"What the hell is going on?!" He panicked as the only thing he could move was his eyes.

Lora calmly looked dead into his dulling grey eyes. The ten year old was emotionally disconnected from the world as she concentrated on the attacker.

"You tried to hurt my sister. So I won't stop until I succeed in destroying you. "She said coolly, waving her right hand down. The man then began to grow pale, as if his life force was being sucked right out of him. He started scratching at his throat, gasping for air.


He plopped onto the ground, the life already drained from his body and replaced with a corpse.

"Lo...chan?" A shaky voice sounded. It seemed to be the key of snatching Lora from her trance. Her eyes immediately looked toward her sister.
"Erza? Oh my god I am so sorry! Are you okay?" She asked, searching into her sister's teary, dark purple eyes. Erza nodded weakly, a few tears threatening to spill from her eyes. Lora reached over to embrace her sister, who accepted happily.

"I was scared Lo-chan. I was scared that he was going to—"

"He won't ever hurt you Erza. Not while I'm around."

'Lora" Marius thought, a bit anxious at Lora's actions. He stared at her for a while. She seemed so livid.

"Only for her," She whispered, "I did it for her."

Her? Oh Erza.

"Come on Lora let's get this over with."


Finding Something New|Natsu X Erza| A Fairy Tail StoryWhere stories live. Discover now