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A/n: I'm sorry if it seems as though I have abandoned this story but a lot has been going on in my life. From doing indoor track(my first sport ever btw lol), midterms, and college acceptance letters. It has been one hell of a ride though especially seeing how much this story has grown. From less than a hundred views to 5.05k? I get emotional just thinking about how much you all support me. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this chapter. 😊


Lora walked down the various hallways of the mansion. Each sharp turn she made put some strain on her heel but that didn't stop the thoughts that gnawed at her mind. She took a deep breath as she finally made it to her destination. Her grandfather's old study. Lora placed an unsteady hand on the brass doorknob and turned it slowly. Even though she hadn't stepped foot in the room yet, the atmosphere seemed to rush at her all at once. It reminded her of when she was little, begging her mother to rest after the all-nighters she would pull to get her father's paperwork done.

The room was big yet minimalistic in style. There was a single grand mahogany desk set in the middle of the room with a matching chair neatly tucked behind it. There was a fragile off-green lamp that was set on the far right side of the table, the only thing that gave light to the room at the moment. Lora shakily made her way over to the desk, allowing her trembling fingers to glide along the smooth wood of the desk before her hand fell to her side. Initially, Lora was supposed to get a book from her grandfather's former study and then leave back to her own office (her mother's). Yet, something drew her to stay a bit longer. To let her thoughts wander back to a place she wanted to stay locked away.

Lora suddenly felt a shiver run up her spine as she turned to face the bookcase. She remembered something. Something she wanted to keep far away from her current state of mind, knowing that it would crumble her entire being.

"You stupid girl! Why would you even think that such a thing would go past me!"


Lora's hand flew to her right cheek, her eyes widened as she felt a slight sting on it. She felt small, like a child again. Lora could feel the cold sweat working its way down her brow as she turned around slowly.

There in front of her stood her grandfather. She felt her knees buckle from underneath her and she was sent down to the ground, quickly scrambling to get away from the figure. Edward didn't say a word, he just walked closer, his footsteps seemed light but boomed like thunder.

"S-stay away from m-me!" Lora yelped, backing into the bookcase forcefully causing some books to fall from the shelf and land around her.

Edward glared at her with hate-filled hazel eyes, the white of his mustache furrowed as well as his eyebrows. He looked as though he was going to slap her just as he did when she was a child.

"P-p-please don't hurt me! I-I'll try harder!" Lora panicked, placing an arm to cover her face just in case if he did try to hit her she would be protected a little bit.

Lora was shivering rapidly now, her heart racing and thumping hard in her chest. Her eyes blurred with the tears that streamed angrily down her cheeks, she hiccuped as she tried to bury herself within the bookcase.


Lora shook her head violently, "Please don't hurt me, grandfather! I'm trying my best to run this company!"

Lora scratched deep lines into her scalp as she continued.

"I sacrificed a lot just to be here. I've been through a lot. I left Fairy Tail, I left Erza!"

Lora bit her lip, ignoring the taste of blood as she tried to hold back her whimpers as Edward stalked closer.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2017 ⏰

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