The Truth

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A/N: Hey everyone~! Sorry for the long wait. But here it is~Chapter 8. I hope you enjoy it!


Lora had woke up to a plate of food inside her cell. It was only a simple breakfast made up of oatmeal and some water, but she was grateful.

"Month six of my punishment..." She announced sadly, placing a spoonful of oatmeal in her mouth; it was bland. She only wished that she was back in Fairy Tail, in her home with her friends and family. Yet, she knew that she should've expected this. She had a nightmare about what had went down yesterday. The screams of mothers and children. The calls of fathers trying to help their family from the living hell Enyo created. It made her shake with sorrow.


That little girl again; the little girl with red hair. Lora weeped softly as she remembered how that little girl almost died by her own hands. Enyo may have been in charge of her body but it still was her own hands that killed those people, her hands that were soaked in their blood. She wondered if the girl and her mother were able to escape the flames.

"By the time I get out she will be in her thirties..." Lora thought aloud, her throat clenching ever so slightly.

Firm footsteps echoed through the corridor. Lora stiffened a bit as she wondered what Lahar wanted this time. She had nothing against the man, she respected him even! It was just a bit suspenseful wondering what he was going to say next though. Did he find Aiden? Or did the bastard escape like he usually does?

"Lora," Lahar called, as he made his way over to her cell.

Lora only made a noise to acknowledge him. She knew if she had said anything her voice would surely crack and she would burst into tears.

"You have a visitor." He said simply as he took his leave, nodding curtly to someone to the left of him.

Lora was able to get a glimpse of scarlet and a navy blue skirt.

"E-Erza!" She yelped, her voice cracking. She scrambled and scratched frantically at the ground to get up and run to her. She hugged her sister, quite awkwardly, through the bars but was content. Erza returned the hug with a small chuckle at her sister's excitement.

"How are you Lora?" Erza asked as she plopped onto the ground to sit across from her sister.

"I'm fine. What I am more concerned about is how you are doing Za-chan!" Lora stated, using her old nickname for Erza when they were children.

"I'm well, Makarov has been keeping me busy with errands. Everyone misses you Lora." Erza admitted, shooting a sad smile Lora's way.

Lora only looked down at the ground; a sad smile of her own etching itself on her face.

"I miss you all too..."

Suddenly, Lora jumped up causing Erza to look at her in concern.

"Lora what's wrong?" Erza asked, reaching out to grab her sister's hand.

Lora only gave Erza a wide smile and settled back in her seat.

"Since I am going to be in here for a while, I might as well tell you some stories of our childhood. That way I can at least feel as though we are making memories again," Lora said, sliding her hands through the bar to take her sister's hands in her own.

"But I have to warn you. Some of these stories are a bit...too truthful. But as your older sister I have to share them with you." Lora warned.

Erza gave a reluctant nod. She did want to hear about her past with her sister, yet what if she hears something she really didn't want to know? Shifting to a more comfortable position, Erza waited for her sister to continue.

Finding Something New|Natsu X Erza| A Fairy Tail StoryWhere stories live. Discover now