The Encounter

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A/N: I hope that you enjoy this birthday gift from me to you!

Carla paced back and forth across the smooth wood floors of her shared apartment. She was waiting for Wendy to come back from her training with Lora. At least that's what Wendy had hastily scribbled on a note left by her bed stand.

The wait was torture for Carla; especially since she knew that if Lora was around Ayana would be as well. It placed an unsettling feeling in Carla's stomach. A weight hung on her shoulders, threatening to break her if she didn't spill her ailments to someone. How could someone not want to freak out if they knew their friends were with a potential killer? She couldn't be the only one feeling torn, right?

Letting out a shaky breath, Carla decided she should eat the food that Lora had kindly left before she departed with an eager Wendy in tow. It was her favorite dish, how thoughtful of her.

As Carla chewed her food, she began to think out ways to prevent Ayana from harming anyone. At the moment, she couldn't think of anything. The girl had quite the record for being a sweetheart. She even got along with practically everyone in the guild and she made sure to give a helping hand to anyone who needed it. She was perfect. And it sickened Carla.

"This is all an act! She doesn't care about any of us, all she cares about is ridding us off this planet!" Carla fumed to herself, stabbing at a piece of fish on her plate before shoving it in her mouth to aggressively chew at it.

Taking another deep breath, Carla mauled her brain for any evidence of malicious intent in the child. Surely, Ayana liked to prank people as shown when she perfectly set a trap for both Gray and Natsu to fall in during their brawls. Even Carla herself couldn't identify the hole in the ground. She was clever, Carla would give her that, but if she thought that she would just waltz into their lives and steal Lora's life? She had another thing coming!

Carla's gritted her teeth, she needed to focus on a way to warn everybody before anything could possibly happen.

"You're doing great Wendy! Just hold that spell for another minute and we'll take a break." Lora called, proud that her little prodigy was mastering harder spells now after their few weeks of training. It made her heart swell with pride on how far Wendy has come over time and she was glad to be a part of it.

Lora closed her eyes and took in the fresh smell of the meadow they now rested in. Luckily, Lora had packed lunch for all three of them because Ayana and Wendy immediately went for it when she called the break.

Sighing in content, Lora allowed the warm rays of the sun kiss her tan skin. It felt nice being able to be out of the office and away from the strong smell of parchment and ink. Surely, she would be back soon but she forced that to the back of her mind as she threaded her hand in the dew covered grass. The cool moisture of the morning dew contrasted perfectly against the sun's warmth and sent Lora into a state of bliss; her eyes remained closed and her head tilted toward the cloudless sky.

"Lora-san?" A soft voice sounded through the light breeze sweeping the meadow.


"Is it okay if Ayana and I travel around the meadow a bit?"

Lora opened her right eye to look up at Wendy. Wendy fidgeted a bit, obviously nervous about what Lora would say.

"...Alright, but you have to promise me that you won't wander too far." Lora said, giving Wendy a lighthearted smile as she shooed them off.

Wendy looked at Ayana before the two erupted in angelic giggles, racing off to explore the newfound place. Luckily, Lora knew this place like the back of her hand so she could find the girls no sweat if they did get lost.

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