17 | pizza

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I decide to head for Kate's apartment, reminding myself of the carton of milk I promised to get her. But when my gaze met my reflection on the pool of murkiness swimming on the streets still, a frustrated sigh escaped me.

Did we really had to have breakfast outside? Now I have to ruin my shoes, that cost well-earned money! That is the only reason I let him pay for my meal, otherwise I wouldn't have let his kindness affect me.

Grunting, I started my journey home (stopping by the supermarket that was thankfully open at the time) in the cold with wet dirty sneakers that weren't that white anymore. All I kept thinking about was what Harry and Poppy might be doing now. Although their relationship didn't make any sense, I can't imagine Harry with anyone else but Poppy.

They're always together, so how can he like a standard girl?

Perhaps he has a new love interest? Did he decide to change types? If said standard girl seems like me, then Harry has changed a hundred and eighty degrees if he thought he liked Poppy before.

Then again, how can his face light up when she calls and he wants to leave all of a sudden? Is Poppy bipolar and has a standard personality that Harry's trying to cope through? Dammit, this is way more confusing than I thought it would be. Besides, I shouldn't even be thinking about it anyway.

When I return home, Kate's practically head over heels for Ben. Turns out he told her he wanted to properly ask her out. She thinks he's going to ask her to be his girlfriend over a fancy dinner date, so she was already trying to pick a dress for the night.

"I like the red one," I point at the low-cut dress with a revealing V-neck. For me, I wouldn't have ever, in a million years, picked something like this for myself. But for Kate, it suits her perfectly with her fire personality and all.

"Should I go for heels?"

"Definitely heels, the black ones."

Kate grins at me. "I'm so glad I have you!"

I roll my eyes and flick her nose, going to rest lazily on the bed. "You've no idea how many times I want to say that to you."

Kate giggles and comes to sit next to me from the other side of the bed. "So, come on."

I raise my eyebrows at her. "Come where?"

She laughs. "No, I mean, come on. I've told you all about my night -and morning. So it's your turn now."

"Oh," I inhale. "Well, Harry's a rude, pretentious-"

"I know, I know," Kate rolls her eyes and gestures with her hand as if saying to skip. "Have you kissed or-?"

"What?" I exclaim, sitting up. "No! Haven't you heard what I just said?"

"Sure, right." She winks at me meaningfully and I wanna pull my hair out.

"Kate, I'm serious," I part my lips with eyes wide. "Harry and I aren't... like that."

"But you spend so much time together," she muses.

I huff, annoyed that this was true. "I know. But we're not together, nor will we ever be. He tags along with Ben because he wants to piss the hell out of me."

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