chapter 30

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Sarah grips my dress in her mouth tugging me away. I swayed but didn't move. The voice sent chills down my neck. John's voice had frozen me over with fear.

"Come here darling. " John coos, "big papa just wants to snuggle." Bile rises in my throat. Nauseous and slightly dizzy now I lean on sarah.

My stomach suddenly clenched and I dont mean my stomach, my whole belly spasms. I clutch it with a gasp. Sarah moves herself between me and john as I fall to my knees. A loud horse shreak comes from sarah and I hear the others running to us. Just a bit longer and he'll be gone... I think to myself as I take labored breaths.

The stomping of hooves and a snort made me look up to john finally. Sarah was splayed out in an attempt to block john from gettkng to me. I see a movement off to the side a d notice a man with a gun. "Sarah-"

The gun fire was silent but a puff of air was heard. A dart stuck out of Sarah's neck. Startles she jerks away and bucks at john. She then slowly sinks to the ground.

Luca thunders up as this happens with Sebastian on his tail. I creak to sarah but john kicks me down. I land on my side with a grunt of pain. A boot is placed on my head with an uncomfortable force. "Move an inch closer and I step down." John growls.

All I could see was sarah who breathes deeply in her unconscious state.The preasure increases suddenly. "Back off I said!" John yells.

I let out a yelp as he grabs my arm, dragging me up from the ground. My head spins and has a slight ache and im stood up right.

Luca stood a few feet away and Sebastian paces behind him. My first thought is to warn them of he dart man. Glancing back at the spot I notice the man watching. Good... "Luca! There's a -"

"HUSH!" John grips my arm tighter and a small noise escapes my lips. Luca paws the ground and snorts. "Back off."

Panic sets in and I take rapid breathes. I can feel a cramp in my mid section start. No, not now! Please baby... not now..

Suddenly John drops me and screams. I fall foward and scramble as fast as I can to Luca.

Very short chapter. Sorry. My art teacher wants to "fight" me and make me look bad to my parents.

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