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Eleanor's Point of View

I wake up at seven, well 7:07 to be exact. This is pretty normal for me, I've always been a bit of an early riser. I sit up in bed and ponder on what to do. I doubt that Perrie and Dani will be up, and I don't want to wake them up... Even if I am really excited to spend more time with them. I stretch and get out of bed.

I creep my way out into the hallway, careful not to wake either one of the girls, who are indeed still sound asleep. I quietly laugh to myself and decide to take a nice, long, hot shower. I roll my eyes when I see that Danielle bought blueberry scented soap. Apparently, I'm going to be smelling like a giant blueberry today.

After the water begins to get cold, I decide its time to get out. Hopefully, Dani and Perrie won't want to use hot water for a while... I wrap a towel around my slim body and run back to my bedroom, hating the feeling of the cold floor beneath my bare feet.

I sigh, thinking about what to wear. There's a bit of sun shining through my curtains which is something that London, England hasn't seen in a while. I'm pretty sure Dani said the weather would be pretty nice all day, so I decide on a white dress that comes just above my knees and has an opening in the back. I leave my hair to air dry and decide on my usual natural looking make-up.

I finish getting myself together and make my way to the kitchen, why not make the girls and I some breakfast? I don't have anything else to do at nearly 9:00 in the morning.
I may not be the best chef, but I can make some delicious omelets. I decide to just make three the way that Dani likes them, considering I'm not certain on what Perrie would like in hers, and I'm ok with just about anything.

45 minutes and three sausage, tomato, and spinach omelets later, I'm greeted by Dani and Perrie.

"I told you I smelled food!" Perrie yells to Dani before choosing a seat at the table.

Danielle rolls her eyes with a smile. "Good morning, gorgeous." She calls in my direction, as she pours three glasses of orange juice.

"Good morning, babe." I smile to her as she hands me my glass of juice.

"El, this is delicious." Perrie declares, after her omelet is halfway gone.

I laugh. "Thank you. It's about the only thing I can cook."

This earns a laugh from Danielle.

"What's the plan for the day?" I ask, picking up the empty plates and putting them in the sink.

"Well," Danielle begins, as she pushes her naturally curly hair out of her face. "I was thinking that we could spend the day shopping and goofing off."

"Can that include a stop to Starbucks?" I question with an enormous grin, thinking about my favorite place to get coffee.

"Of course." Dani laughs.

"I'm ready when you two are." I tease Perrie and Danielle who are still in their pajamas.

"Fine, fine. We'll be ready to go by 11:00" Perrie sticks her tongue out at me, before stumbling out of the living room. Danielle follows close behind her.

While they're getting ready, I check my appearance in the living room mirror. I smile, satisfied with what I see. My ash brown hair has dried into its natural waves, my make-up looks exceptionally good, and the dress I'm wearing flatters my body quite well. I smooth it out before sitting down on the couch.

"Are we ready?" Perrie bursts into the living room, scaring me.

I jump a little and give her a look of shock. "Your face!" She chuckles.

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