Where WE Are

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Hey Guys!

I am so sorry that this is so late (nearly a month), I am a new school this year and everything is absolutely crazy. I apologize for disappearing :(

Back to the tour...

I saw our One Direction Boys perform in Dallas, (No, I didn't get to see 5SOS because they were at the VMAS) every second of it was just incredible. I wish all of you could have been there with me, it would have made the night even more special to me :)

So... you guys want to hear about some of the highlights?

First things first, they sound incredible when they sing live! That blew my mind, those 5 boys are so talented.

Since 5SOS couldn't go on as the opening act, Jamie Scott did. He's one of the writer's behind Story of My Life. (my favorite song, by the way.) And he did phenomenal! He did a few songs of his own and even has his own album coming out. I think he said it was his first time to play to such a massive crowd. He was just amazing!

Now on to the Boys' usual antics... heh

At the time of the concert, Harry's hair was CRAZY long... like seriously, it was almost flat. Anyway, in between songs, Liam looked out into the crowd and caught a glimpse of a sign that read "Long Live The Hair!" I swear, Liam nearly died of laughter right then and there.... when he finally regained composure, he started giving Harry a hard time. Baha!

Liam: "Harry, mate, how long do you plan on letting it grow?"

Harry: Looks at Liam and shrugs.

Liam: "Were you thinking about letting it grow long enough for a skirt? *crouches down to show "Skirt" length at ankles*"

Harry: *smirking like the cheeky boy that he is* "I was thinking just enough for a miniskirt."

Niall: *dying of laughter into his mic*


I was so amused at how all of the boys were so shocked at the heat. Liam said something along the lines about how he walked outside for five minutes in Texas and got his tan on!

Baha! I guess I'm just used to it since I'm from the hot & humid south.

Both Liam and Niall did American accents which was comical.

In the middle of a song, Harry started to really get into it. He was doing these like crazy hip movements! (if you're a Harry girl, you would've been screaming with me...) So what does Liam do? He prances over to Harry and begins to act like he's licking Harry in a certain area... (I screamed even louder at this point)

After the song finished, Liam said something about how Harry pulled his groin... SO HARRY STARTS DOING LUNGES ACROSS THE STAGE... IN THOSE INSANELY TIGHT SKINNY JEANS OF HIS.

That was quite the sight... that and Niall being all sweaty with his guitar ;) OH YEAH! Niall also had his little moment in Better Than Words, you know, the one where he gets all sexual with his "You make me wanna tsss one more night!"

I was almost deaf from the amount of screams at that point.

So... the next thing I'm about to say concerns Larry Stylinson. Yes, I ship it. That doesn't mean you have to. So if you don't support it then you should just skip to my author's note now. I'm not trying to be rude, but I do ship both Elounor and Larry, so I don't want there to be any hate or rude comments here. Yes, I do love to hear your thoughts and feelings, but let's keep it nice, okay guys? That's why I wanted to make a fan-fic that included aspects with their girlfriends, but also bromance moments... loads of bromance moments.

Anyway, back to the concert.

So, whether Larry is just a bromance, or something more, can we all agree that Louis and Harry have a special bond? Or at least they did... not as much now. If you ask me, it's almost like they're trying to avoid each other now... management? Maybe? ...

The show had been going strong, all the boys were being energetic and just having a good time with things... and then Happily starts...

Just to clarify, Harry did help with the writing of that song...

As soon as the music began, you could literally see Harry's mood change. He wasn't running all over the stage anymore, he was just staying in one spot. His head was bowed and his hair was in his face. There were even tears in his eyes. Those were visible from the jumbo-tron. All of the other boys also seemed to calm down at this point and time. Louis even had his attention focused on Harry, kinda like he just wanted to go and embrace him in a hug... and I might have been imagining things, but Louis' eyes looked misty too...

I know it doesn't say a whole lot, but the fact that Harry wrote the song... just listen to the lyrics and think about all of the Larry/Elounor drama... it just doesn't make sense that they would all act differently for just one song.

So I'm sorry if my observation sounds stupid, but I do think about that moment a lot.

I didn't think I would see my one of my idols on stage on the verge of break down.


Author's Note

So that's how my first ever concert went! It was so much fun and I wish I had one of you guys there because it just wasn't the same without someone to enjoy it with.

I hope you guys will leave feedback, just like y'all always do! :) I love reading it so much. My favorite part of Wattpad is definitely hearing back from all of you.

Thank You for being patient with me just as you always are. I can't promise when updates will be, but I will do everything in my power to do one soon!

I love each and every single one of you so so much! If you ever need a friend, don't be afraid to message me, or my Kik is in my Bio!

- <3 Savannah :)


My friend Kathryn is going to the Where We Are Tour next week! I'm so excited for her and hope she has an amazing time! Can't wait to hear about her experience.

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