Clouded Emotions

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Shout out to Nochan14 for being my first follower! Thanks, babe

Liam's Point of View

I open my eyes to complete darkness. I sit up on the couch, and look out the window, the weather fits my mood today. Dark. Gloomy. Rainy. Clouded. I didn't get any sleep last night, after we wrapped up the Twit Cam. How could the fans not like Danielle? They don't even know her.

"They don't even know her..." I mutter to myself. I feel a smile pull across my face, the fans just need time to warm up to her, yeah, that's it. It won't be long before they realize what an incredibly beautiful person she is, on the inside, and out.

My thoughts are interrupted, when I hear footsteps. I'm shocked to see that the footsteps belong to Niall. He is the last person that I would expect to wake up before everyone else.

"Niall?" I find myself laughing.

"Oh, uh hey, Liam." He stutters out, his voice cracking. "I didn't expect you to be awake."

I look at him confused, "I didn't expect you to be up."

Niall shrugs his shoulders, as he awkwardly sits down.

"Your voice all right, mate?" My British accent seems to echo through the small room.

Niall clears his throat, as he pulls a pillow over his lap. "Uh, yeah."

I stare at the messy haired boy, unsure of what to say next. I can tell that he's uncomfortable, although I don't know why he would be, I mean he did just wake up.

I decide to change the subject, even though I don't really want to. If something is bothering Niall, I want him to be able to talk to me, but I also don't want to pressure him into thinking he has to. I sigh. "Any one else awake yet?"

Niall looks at me and shrugs.

I prop my head up on the arm of the couch and rest my head in my hand. I close my eyes, thinking I might actually get some sleep.


And just like that, I'm not getting any sleep.

"Yeah, Niall?" I slowly open my eyes to meet his blue ones.

"Can I sleep with you?" He stutters out in a quick voice.

I open my eyes wide at my best mate.

Niall begins to speak again. "It's just... Perrie and Zayn look so happy being all cuddled up close together."

I chuckle. "That's because they are happy."

Niall's eyes follow my movement, as I grab my blanket, and move to where he is.

I lay down on the couch and pull the smaller boy down beside me.

"Liam, are you mad at me?" My favorite Irish voice whispers from beside me.

"Never would I be mad at you, Niall." I reassure him and nestle my head into his neck. "Why would you think that I am?"

"Last night, when I said that the fans don't seem to like Danielle-"

"That's not your fault." I close my eyes again.

"But, Liam-" I feel Niall turning around so our bodies are facing each other. "I know that you worry about finding someone who will love you for you, and not Liam Payne from One Direction... And you've found that person. Just in the few days that Danielle has been here, we can all see that she loves you for you. And I know that the thought of the fans not liking her kept you awake last night."

These Girls (One Direction Fan-Fic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora