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Hey Guys! Please do me a huge favor and read my author's note!

Anyway on with the usual business...

You guys should thank @Tiall74 because she really ...urged me to update this hahaha thank you, Tori! Lerve ya babes. Thank you so much for the motivation and ideas :)

Harry's Point of View

I glance at the clock in my car and realize that it's well past 8:00 at night. I groan in frustration. I've been on the hunt for Zayn and Perrie since early this morning when Niall and I left the house which I'm pretty sure was around 10:30. I don't know where they could be. I've looked everywhere, including the hair products store. I know Zayn well enough, and I that he would not just disappear without even taking his phone or even telling anyone about it. It's even more stressful to know that Perrie could potentially have her phone with her and is not taking my calls or even sending me a texts. Call me crazy, but I've called her phone at least once every hour and sent I don't even know how many texts.

I've never been so worried in my life.

I can't help but get my hopes up as I pull my phone out of my pocket and hope to have a message from Perrie or even a call that I somehow managed to miss.

I take a deep breath when I realize that there's still nothing.

I decide that I need to have someone along with me to help search for the couple. I literally have been all day and I just don't know where to go or what to do anymore.

I rest my head against the steering wheel. This has been one of the longest days of my life. I haven't had anything to eat all day besides a granola bar and a bottle of water, and I only got that because I had to stop for gas. I have absolutely no energy left.

I slowly raise my head off of the steering wheel and stare at the phone in my hands. I can't call Liam mainly because I don't want to drag him into another situation when he's already strung out over the Dani situation... need to call her sometime soon. I would call Louis and Eleanor, but they're the happy new couple and I don't want to bring them down. Besides, they're all still unaware of the fact that Zayn and Perrie are missing.

That only leaves Niall. I know it may be a bad idea to get him involved, considering that his mind is in even more of a rut than mine is, but I need him here with me. Niall has this way of making me feel calm and safe. I can't even stop myself from going straight to his name in my phone and pressing call.

After the second ring, Niall's voice echoes through the speaker.

"Hey, Harry!"

I grin a little. It's almost like I can hear his smile as he says this.

"Hey Niall, what's going on?"

Niall pauses a minute before answering. "Harry, are you okay? Your voice sounds shaky."

I feel tears brim my eyes. He knows me so well. "I need your help." I almost sob.

"Harry, where are you? I'm coming to wherever you are."

I lick my lip and take in the scene around me. I can't really see much because it's already dark outside. But I can tell that I'm near the bakery I used to work at.

"Do you remember how to get to the bakery I used to work at?" I close my eyes and hold my breath.

"Of course." Niall answers. "I'm already close to it. I'll be there in just a few minutes."

I say a quiet thank you before ending the call and putting my car in drive so I can meet Niall at the bakery.

Within a matter of minutes, I reach the bakery and seem to pull into the parking lot at the same time that Niall does.

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