I'll See You Again

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Shout out to MaryamShah and ElounorLove! Both of your comments made me smile, and I greatly appreciated the feedback! Thank you for reading :)

Eleanor's Point of View

Paul's deep voice awakens me, even though he's not even yelling.

"I hate to do this you guys, but it's time to get up."

I laugh as Harry shoots up, his hair a wild and sexy mess. "What time is it?" he groans.

I know that I've known Harry for years now, but his morning voice is enough to excite any girl.

"Almost six thirty." Paul yawns.

"In the morning?!?" Zayn exclaims. "It's still dark outside!"

Perrie laughs before opening her eyes. I'm a bit surprised at how easy every one is waking up.

"I thought our plane didn't leave until 9:00." Dani declares, her voice a bit hoarse.

"I asked him to wake us up a little early, so we wouldn't be rushed with our goodbyes at the airport." Liam says with a smile.

I can almost hear Zayn and Perrie rolling their eyes.

I feel something wet brush against the back of my leg, and in an instant, Louis releases the embrace he has had on me since last night. He gasps before jumping off the floor and stumbling down the hallway.

"Somebody must've had a wet dream..." Harry taunts, as the bathroom door slams shut.

An echoing laugh escapes from Niall's mouth, and I feel my cheeks turning fifty shades of red.

"Ummm..." Paul coughs, before walking away.

"Are you guys just going to the airport in your pajamas, like you did when I picked you up?" Harry asks as he stands up to stretch.

"Yes!" Perrie exclaims.

I set up and pull my knees to my chest, my stomach all of a sudden flipping. In less than two hours, we will have to say our goodbyes.

"LIAM!" Louis' voice erupts from the bathroom.

From the little light that is shining, I can tell that Liam's face is scrunched up in confusion. "Uh, I'll be right back you guys." He announces before making his way down the hall.

"I wonder what he wants Liam's help with..." Harry smirks.

"Harry!" I shriek, as images run through my mind that definitely should not be.

A few moments later, Liam's figure appears back in the room.

"Well, that was quick." Harry taunts.

"Jesus, Harry." Niall halfway laughs. "What is it with you and inappropriate jokes this morning?"

Harry shrugs his shoulders.

"Harry, knock it off." Liam basically demands. "Louis wanted to borrow a pair of my sweat pants... he's already embarrassed enough. I know you don't mean anything by it, but please don't make this worse for him."

Harry nods his head, showing that he'll do what Liam asks.

"What time do you think we should leave for the airport?" Danielle asks with a yawn.

"I think I heard Paul say last night that it takes about 30 minutes to get from here to the airport." Zayn chimes in.

Liam nods his head. "And I figured that we should get there around 8:00."

These Girls (One Direction Fan-Fic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin