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Pre-note: I apologize in advance, because I know that this chapter is mainly dialogue, please forgive me and I hope you enjoy! :)

Louis Point of View

I lay in my bunk, listening to the usual ruckus of the lads getting ready for the day. And then there's me. Who has done absolutely nothing except lay here since last night's video chat. Everything was just fine and dandy until Gabe decided to show up. I'll bet Eleanor had a fan-freaking-tastic night with him. And there's no telling what they did after their little fancy pizza and move. That should be me, not him.

Oh good lord. I think about the last thing I've just thought. The lyrics of our songs have this way of creeping up on me when I overthink things.

Girl it should be me driving to you house

Knocking on your door kissing you on the mouth

Pulling on your hair dancing in the dark

Cos I was the only one who loved you from the start-

Hold on. I don't love Eleanor... do I? of course not, I've just met the girl. I don't know her enough to actually be in love with her-

"Boo Bear!" Harry interrupts my thoughts and pulls the curtain of my bunk back.

I turn and give him a pleasantly surprised look. He smiles and crawls in beside me and begins nibbling on my ear.

"Harold," I squirm beside him. "Take it slow."

Harry laughs rests his head in the space between my neck and shoulder. "I'll have plenty of time to take it slow, because today it's just going to be you and me, mate."

"What?" I ask.

"I've talked Paul into keeping Liam, Niall, and Zayn busy for the day. I told him that I just wanted you and I to have some time alone." Harry explains.

"And he just agreed to it?" I laugh.

"After about an hour of begging." Harry jokes.

Damn you Styles and your charming ways.

"Besides," Harry begins again. "I know that you need to talk. And since I'm the only one who knows how you feel about El-"

"Just stop yourself right there." I interrupt him. "What makes you so cocky to think that you're the only person that I've talked to about Eleanor?"

"Because I know I am." Harry laughs. "Lou, we're best mates. Talking to Zayn would be a form of suicide, considering how happy he's been since Perrie has left-"

I snort a laugh.

"I'm sure Liam would understand, but he's been too focused on Danielle-"

I shrug my shoulders. I love Liam, but he and I have never been all that close. I know I can talk to him about any and everything, but he and I just don't have a special bond.

"And Niall," Harry pokes me. "You know he's all ears, but the look on your face when he said he really likes Eleanor the other day-"

I shutter. "Don't remind me."

I notice Harry's pearly whites sparkle. "So see, I am the only one who you can talk to."

I shake my head. "You're the only one that I choose to talk to."

Harry gasps a dramatic gasp.

"Easy there, Curly." I chuckle. "Let's get out of this bed before you do more than gasping."

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