Bad Timing

430 20 14

Lots of shoutouts!

One to louiserussell2000 for putting "These Girls" in her "Books You Should Read."

Another to emhand15 for the new character, Bella which is in this update! Please let me know what you think of her!

One to jessy9128! That girl is my best friend and she makes an appearance in this update as well!

And finally, one to niall_is_my_prince_, while her character Lauren doesn't appear in the chapter, she will be in the story very soon and I cannot wait! You guys are going to love her!

Zayn's Point of View

Liam looks like he is about to argue against the idea of a night of fun, but within a few seconds that all changes.

"Someone else is going to have to be the daddy figure for the night... or mommy." Liam winks at Eleanor and Perrie.

I self-consciously put my arm around Perrie.

"Actually, Liam" Perrie begins. "I was thinking that Zayn and I could spend the night in together."

I feel my heart flutter at her statement. "Yeah, so you guys need to get gone." I practically demand.

"Are you kidding me?!?" Louis jumps out of his chair like an out of control toddler. "You guys aren't even married yet and you're already being party poopers!"

I notice a hint of amusement in Perrie's eyes. "You don't know what I have planned for the night." She declares.

I feel my eyes go wide. She doesn't mean... or does she? Imagines flood into my brain as I begin to think about what she could possibly mean.

Harry makes a not bad type of face. "Just make sure you wash the sheets when you're done. That is Gemma's room that you're staying in."

I nearly choke on air.

Liam shakes his head is disapproval before making his way down the hallway. It doesn't take long for Eleanor, Louis, Harry, and Niall to follow close behind.

My cheeks heat up as I turn to meet Perrie's smile.

"Don't be getting any crazy ideas, Mr. Malik." she sets up and puts her feet in my lap. "I just said that to get them off of our case."

I pout at the girl beside me which only causes her to giggle.

"I'm just kidding." I chuckle and begin to massage her feet. "I won't be ready to take that step until you are."

Perrie crawls across the couch gives me a gentle kiss. I happily kiss her back before wrapping my arms around her. "How does a night of cuddling on the couch and watching movies together sound?"

"Will there be pizza?" Perrie asks with a straight face.

I find myself rolling my eyes. Here I am trying to be a sweet boyfriend and give my girl a night of cuddling and all she can think about is food?!?

"Yes, there will be pizza." I finally reply.

Perrie beams a smile and the small amount of anger I had just a few seconds ago seems to disappear.


Nearly an hour later, the Party Bunch is ready to go. Louis escorts Eleanor into the living room and I must say, the nut cleans up quite well. He's wearing a pale blue button up shirt and he has styled his hair like he used to way back when.

Eleanor looks stunning in a black sleeveless dress complete with black wedges. Somebody better keep their eyes on her tonight...

Harry comes out next in a white button up shirt... he didn't even bother with half of the buttons, but then again, when does he ever? And, he's let his curls down, rather than having them up in a bandana. I swear I saw Perrie raise her eyebrows at the scene.

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