"No!" Liam Protested

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Shoutout to Real_AnnaTomlinson! I know I promised you an update forever ago and you're just now getting it :( I'm so sorry. I had technical difficulties and had to rewrite over half of this chapter because of it. I hope you'll enjoy this chapter :)

Liam's Point of View

"Dani..." I mumble as something tickles my chin.

That something moves closer to me. "Dani..." I say a bit louder and a smile spreads across my face.

"Guess again." Niall's morning voice booms from right beside me.

I jolt from my still half asleep state to find my arms wrapped around his skinny, but muscular body. I sigh and pull my head away from the top of his.

"No, don't leave me!" Niall pleads and his eyes shoot open and look up to meet mine.

"I would never do that." I can't help but smile at my best mate before cuddling up next to him again.

I feel Niall grin against my bare chest before I close my eyes again.

"Hey, Niall...?" I burst out without even thinking.

"Hmmm?" He replies without actually speaking.

"Did I hear you saying Eleanor's name in your sleep last night?"

Niall shifts beside me. "What are you talking about?"

I raise my eyebrows before explaining to Niall what happened. Last night after we had our midnight snack, Niall fell asleep right away. Probably from the warm milk that Daddy Direction fixed him. So I was lying next to him, just watching him sleep as if he was an infant and I was a worried mother, which I kind of was considering that Louis and Harry were in the room just next door doing I don't even want to know what. But they were L-O-U-D. Anyway, I could clearly see Niall's face because I opened the window before we got in bed knowing that it might get pretty stuffy in the room. Nothing wrong with two mates sharing a cuddle together in the moonlight. But that's when I noticed that Niall had this big goofy grin on his face, so I smiled thinking that he was probably having a really good dream. That's when his lips parted and he said something that sounded like "I love you, Eleanor."

I finish explaining what happened and Niall's eyebrows furrow together. "Liam, you cray cray."

I feel my face contort. "Then what is it that you said?"

Niall's eyes dart around the room. "I had a dream about Greg, Theo, and I spending a day together. In the dream, Theo's first words were Uncle Ni." Niall looks to me with a straight face. "You must have heard me say I love you, Theodore."

I tilt my head to one side. I guess I could have just heard him wrong, but something still just doesn't feel right about the whole thing. Before I get the chance to say anything else about it, Louis bursts into the room... in absolutely nothing.

"YOU GUYS!" he shouts as if we can't hear him. "SOMEBODY'S HERE!"

I feel a bit anxious as I realize that it's either going to be Zayn and Perrie or Dani and Eleanor. Either way, I'll be happy to see whoever it is... although I'm kind of hoping for Danielle and Eleanor...

And apparently I'm not the only one.

"IS IT ELEANOR?!?" Niall screeches and runs out of the room in his boxers. I hear him jolt to a stop in the hallway. "AND DANIELLE..."

Louis gives me a funny look at Niall's reaction before scrunching his nose up and walking out of the room.

"PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!" I demand at the oldest boy before reaching for my favorite pair of black sweat pants and a t-shirt.

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