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Shout out to AnnerCN9! Even though you're like my best friendddd, I still appreciate the follow! Love you, Girly!

Eleanor's Point of View

My eyes flutter open to the soft sound of Perrie's breathing. I give myself a few moments to adjust to the sunlight shining through the window before sitting up.

How did I get on the couch anyway? The last thing I remember, Liam nearly tripped over Louis and I whilst trying to turn off the T.V. Last night.

I look around, confused as to why the girls and I are the only ones on the bus.

My heart nearly skips a beat, as Danielle jolts in her sleep. I look down at my curly haired best friend, to see her eyes slowing opening. I can't help but giggle as she sits up and looks around the bus like she doesn't know where she is.

"Daaaaani!" I tease, hoping to gain her attention.

Danielle slowly turns to make eye contact with me, the confusion still noticeable on her face.

"Oh yeah!" she halfway laughs and the bewilderment leaves her face.

I cock an eyebrow at her.

"We're the only ones here." She laughs. "Management wanted the boys to get back on schedule with rehearsals and everything for the Tour, since they've cut them some slack while we've been here."

I look at her with playful eyes. "And you know this how?"

"Liam woke me up with a kiss..." Dani mutters to where I can hardly hear her.

"Oh really?" I snort. "It's like Sleeping Beauty all over again."

Danielle begins to grin a goofy smile. "Harry said the same thing!"

I yawn in response.

"Anyway" Danielle hops off the couch for a stretch. "Paul is going to come pick you, Perrie, and myself around 5:30, so we can hang out with them whilst they're finishing with preparations for the show tonight."

I sigh. I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. Tomorrow at this time, the girls and I will be at an airport to go back to London. I'm going to hate saying goodbye to the boys, I can only imagine how hard it will be for Danielle and Perrie, considering that they both have boyfriends now.

"What are we going to do for the next..." I stop to count. "Seven hours?"

Danielle jerks her head in Perrie's direction. "Nothing until the actual Sleeping Beauty awakens."

I shake my head with a smile.

"I'm going to go put some clothes on, and make myself look... decent." I announce, before grabbing my bag and escaping to the bathroom.

I stumble my way down the hall, and turn left through the small doorway. Since this is just practically an R.V., the bathroom is quite small. I snarl my nose up, as the strong smell of man hits me. Good God. I quickly do what I need to do, before slipping into a pair of skinny jeans and a black shirt that hugs my body nicely. I apply my make-up and exit the bathroom.

"I thought you were going to make yourself look decent?" Danielle smirks, as I walk back to the back of the bus.

I feel my mouth drop open, that has to be the most hateful thing that I've ever heard come out of Danielle's mouth. I push my hair out of my face that I didn't bother to do anything with, and stare at the ground.

"I'm sorry!" Danielle begins to speak in a quick voice.

I take my eyes off the ground and look up at her, I can tell something is wrong just by the way she's speaking.

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