Heart Attack

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Shoutout to Xiomara_xxx! You guys, she's super cool and great to talk to! She's also a great writer! Maybe check out her Zerrie fan-fic called Forbidden Love :)

Perrie's Point of View

My body bounces around in what I can only assume is the back seat of a vehicle.

"Perrie?" I hear Zayn's muffled voice whisper.

I feel my body stiffen. Here I am probably about to be killed by this girl that I don't even know. That he didn't even bother to tell me about. I turn my head in the opposite direction from which Zayn's voice came from. Not that it really matters since I'm blindfolded, so I can't see anything anyway.

"You guys want to listen to some music?!?" Bella's creepy voice squeaks.

I roll my eyes. Why not die with a happy tune in my head.

Moments later, Kiss You begins to play. Only, it skips around to only parts of the song that Zayn sings. Wow... this Bella girl got an extra special dose of crazy.

"Are you kidding me?!?" Zayn groans.

"Isn't this great?!?" Bella laughs as What Makes You Beautiful comes on and skips straight to Zayn's part.

I feel something vibrate against my thigh... my phone! There's still hope for me yet!

Harry's Point of View

Shuffling from beside me causes me to wake up. I look down to see Niall trying to get comfortable.

"Hey, Niall." I push hair away from his sweaty forehead. "How are you feeling?"

"Better." his voice is soft, but sounds better than it did at two o'clock this morning.

I look at the clock on the wall in front of me to see that it's already nine in the morning.

"Why don't you go take a shower while I check on everyone else?" I kiss the top of Niall's head.

Niall mumbles an alright before wrapping our blanket around himself and making his way to the bathroom.

I sigh at the scene of Niall being in such a funk. I was hoping this break would be a fun one, not one full of heartbreak.

I stand up and stretch before pulling off my wrinkled shirt, leaving me in my black pants. I shake my curls out of my face before stumbling to the front door to retrieve my boots from last night so that they can be cleaned.

I open the door and my heart stops beating. IT RAINED LAST NIGHT?!? One the ground below me is my favorite pair of boots, flooded in a puddle. I try to calm myself down by telling myself that at least they're clean now.

I let out an overly dramatic sigh before squatting down to pick them up. And... What's this? My face contorts as I stare at a soggy pizza box.

Did those idiots order pizza after Niall and I dozed off? Or was it Zayn and Perrie? Of course not, they haven't been here... unless they came back.

I grab my boots and toss them in the laundry room before jogging to the bedrooms.

"Zayn?!?" I call out before stepping into his and Perrie's room. "Did you guys make it back in?"

My eyes go wide when I see a pile of Zayn's clothes on the floor, and his phone laying on the unmade bed. Zayn Malik leave his phone? Something is not right here.

I quickly fish out my phone from my pants pocket and go straight to Perrie's number.

"C'mon... C'mon..." I plead as the phone rings.

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