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Shout out to Jessy9128! I'm so very excited to be working with you, girly! Cheers to that! :)

Eleanor's Point of View

The alarm on my iPhone blares in my ear, causing me to nearly jump out of bed. The beat of my heart increases rapidly as I remember why it's set to go off at 4:00 in the morning. Today is finally August 10th. Otherwise known as the day that I've been waiting almost a month for. I'm finally going to be reunited with Harry, Zayn, Liam, Niall, and Louis. Danielle won't be able to make this trip with me, because she's got rehearsals all weekend with her dance crew for some gig in Manchester. And Perrie is already out in California with the lads and the rest of Little Mix, so I'll get to see her as well.

I throw the covers off my body and jump out of bed. I make my way to Danielle's room, knowing just what I'm searching for. Danielle has this really comfortable pair of pink sweatpants that she doesn't let me touch when she's around. So since I'll be in a whole different country with an ocean between us, I plan on stealing them. I slide into the sweatpants and laugh evilly to myself. She won't be happy when she comes home to find these babies missing. I finish getting dressed before grabbing my suitcase and making my way to the living room. Gabe insisted on taking me this morning, so he should be here any minute. Just as soon as I sit down on the couch and get comfy, there's a knock at the door. Damn you, Gabe I know you had that planned.

I fetch my phone and bag before making my way to the door. I can't help but laugh at the sight of the boy on the other side of the door. Gabe is not much of a morning person. Not in the sense that he's moody, he just has no energy. He didn't even have enough energy to get dressed, as he's still in his plaid pajama bottoms. And he is usually a stickler when it comes to his hair, but he clearly has done nothing to it this morning. He looks a bit like a homeless man if you ask me.

"Nice slippers." I tease before pushing him off of the door frame.

He groans as he almost falls. "It's too early for this!" he whines.

I shake my head. "I told you I could just call a cab."

Gabe yawns as he opens the driver side door. "No." he grins after I've gotten in.

I playfully roll my eyes at him. "Would you just drive? My plane leaves in an hour, and I'm not even at the airport yet."

Gabe makes wide eyes as he puts his Jeep in reverse. "Patience, woman. Patience!"

I look out the window, as we begin our journey down the road. Well... not really a journey, considering that we'll be there in about twenty minutes. I glance at Gabe as he pulls out onto the main road. He looks funny being all focused on his driving. If it were anything else, he'd be cracking jokes and making snide comments. We come to a stop light and Gabe slowly turns to face me. I give him a questioning look. He looks into my eyes before sticking his tongue out at me and flooring it when he realizes the light has turned green again.

I shake my head in disapproval. "Why am I friends with you?" I taunt him.

"Because without me, your life would be boring." He smirks.

I snort a laugh in response before turning the radio on. I shriek as Kiss You begins to play; One of my many favorite One Direction songs.

"Are you kidding me?!?" Gabe tries to hold back a smile and his voice is full of sarcasm.

I raise my eyebrows at him and turn the volume up a bit more. Gabe scoffs and begins to sing in a high pitched voice that is way off key.

After we've arrived at the airport, Gabe walks me into the lobby where we say our final goodbyes.

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