Game Night

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Danielle's Point of View

"Dani, wake up." A hushed voice whispers to me.

I roll over in my sleep, trying to get away from the voice.

"I know you heard me, now wake up." A gentle hand lands on my waist.

"What?!?" I exclaim, rolling over to face the mystery voice.

Liam sends me a look of hurt as I open my eyes to see him. I immediately feel bad for snapping at him.

"Liam, I am so sorry! I didn't realize it was you." I feel my cheeks turning fifty shades of red, and I speak in a quick voice.

Liam begins to laugh, I hope that means he accepts my apology.

"Good morning, beautiful." He grins at me.

I feel a smile pull across my face. "Good morning, handsome." The words slip out without me realizing it.

Liam's grin widens and his eyes seem to sparkle at this.

"Do you want to go with me to get everyone breakfast, before we have to leave for Minnesota?" Liam questions me, pulling on some shoes. "I figured Niall would be happier if he had food in his system before we leave."

"Of course I'll go with you. What time is it?" I glance around the room, looking for a clock.

My eyes land on a scene that is definitely not a clock. Zayn and Perrie. They shared a bed last night, and kept me up with their "whispering" and giggling. Zayn has his arm around Perrie, and has a smile plastered on his face. I'm pretty sure Perrie is smiling too, I mean she does have her head rested on Zayn's bare chest.

"It's 9:00." Liam declares, before looking at Zayn and Perrie his own self. "Aren't they just so cute?"

I glance at Liam who is smiling at Zayn and Perrie. "They do." I can't help but smile, too.

"Is it alright if I take a quick shower?" I ask Liam, as he continues to look at the love birds.

"Go for it. The water should be nice and warm, since I'm the only one who has taken a shower today." He laughs.

I nod my head before grabbing my bag and stumbling into the bathroom. I groan when I realize that I forgot to bring soap. I pull back the shower curtain to see that whatever soap it is that the boys use is still in there. Apparently, I'm going to be smelling manly today. I shrug it off and turn on the water, allowing the warm feeling to run down my back.
I pull on some skinny jeans, and my pastel pink top clings to my skin, because of all the steam from the shower. I decide I'll just let my hair do whatever, even though I know it will end up extremely curly by the time it's dry.

"I'm ready!" I whisper loudly to Liam, not wanting to wake anyone up.

I sit on the edge of the bed that Eleanor and I were sharing last night, and pull on some black sandals.

"Do you want to wake Eleanor or Perrie up, so they can take a shower?" Liam suggests.

I decide to wake El up, knowing it won't be a deadly task like when waking Perrie up.

"Eleeeeeaaaaanoooooor." I groan directly in her ear.

A few seconds later, she shoots up in the bed. She's such a light sleeper.

"Hey, babe." I laugh. "Go take a shower, before everyone else wakes up."

Eleanor nods her head before literally rolling out of bed.

I snort a laugh, as she lands on the floor with a thud. El groans and looks up at me with a pathetic expression.

I shake my head. "I'm going with Liam to get everyone breakfast. Wake Perrie up for a shower after you're finished."

Eleanor gives me a thumbs up before crawling, yes crawling to the bathroom.


"Where are we going to get everyone breakfast?" I ask with a yawn. I'm happy that Zayn and Perrie are getting on, but did they really have to do it at 2:00 in the morning.

"There's this bakery just down the street that Niall and I went to the other day, I figured we could just walk there and grab a couple things." Liam replies.

I nod my head, holding back another yawn.

"I shouldn't have woken you up..." Liam mumbles, staring at his feet as we make our way to the elevator.

"Why do you say that?" I ask, seriously confused.

Liam punches the button for the lobby. "That almost made the seventh time that you've yawned this morning."

"I'm fine, Liam." I laugh. "Besides, I like spending time with you."

"You do?" He pipes up.

"Yes." I giggle. "I really want to get to know you and the other boys better, before we have to leave."

"I really want to get to know you better too, Dani." Liam grins, creating crinkles by his eyes. "Oh, and uh, Perrie and Eleanor, too." He stutters out.

We quietly make our way through the lobby, and exit the hotel.

"So, what's the plan after breakfast?" I ask, breaking the silence.

"Everyone will have to get their things together, packed, and loaded on the tour bus. Then, we get to start an eight to ten hour road trip to Minnesota."

"How do you figure eight to ten hours?"

"Depends on how many times Niall feels the need to stop for food." Liam rolls his eyes.

"Oh." I laugh.

"You'd be surprised." Liam declares with a straight face, as he holds the bakery door open for me.

Liam orders two dozen blueberry muffins. The smell makes me miss my blueberry soap... I know, I'm pathetic.

We begin to make our way back to the hotel, when we hear the snap of a camera.

"You have got to be kidding me." Liam seethes.

"What is it?"

"Paparazzi." He groans. "I really do not like them."

With that, he takes my hand, and we walk a faster pace to the hotel.


"Guess what I have!" Liam sings, the tone of his voice immediately changing.

Niall, who I'm surprised is up, and dressed too, sticks his head up and sniffs the air. "YOU GOT BLUEBERRY MUFFINS FROM THAT LITTLE BAKERY!"

Liam grins and nods his head yes.

Niall looks at Liam as if he's god . "I LOVE YOU!" he yells, as he tackles Liam to the ground.

Liam crawls out from under Niall, and comes to stand beside me. A look of complete shock is on his face as he examines the hotel room.

"W-w-we're all ready to go?" He stutters out in disbelief.

I examine the room myself. All the suit cases and bags are by the door, packed and ready to go. Almost everyone is dressed and ready to start the road trip.

Louis looks up to meet Liam's expression. "Yeah...everyone is ready...besides Zayn."

"I heard that!" Zayn's voice calls from the bathroom.

"You were meant to!" Louis shouts back to him.

Harry walks over to the box of muffins. "WHAT HAPPENED TO ALL OF THEM?"

Everyone's attention turns to Niall, who is sitting alone in a corner.

"What?!?" He exclaims with a mouthful.

"How many have you eaten?" Harry asks.

"Well..." Niall begins his 'logic'. "Danielle and Liam got back about ten minutes ago, so that means I've eaten about ten."

Harry's eyes go wide as Niall simply shrugs his shoulders, and pops another muffin into his mouth.

Liam turns to me. "This is why we got two dozen."

I open my mouth to speak, but get cut off by Zayn prancing in, and announcing that he's ready to go.

Liam stands up and claps his hands. "Alright everyone, grab your bags and follow me to the bus."

I laugh, because he looked like he was speaking to a room full of toddlers as he spoke.

"This is why Liam isn't a cool kid." I hear Louis whisper to Eleanor. Eleanor's hand flies to her mouth, as she tries to hold back a laugh.

I grab my bags, and begin to make my way to the door, but get distracted by Zayn trying to be Perrie's Super Man.
After numerous failed attempts, he finally manages to carry his two suitcases, and Perrie's one suitcases to the elevator. I nudge Perrie, as Zayn struggles with getting the three suitcases out the door.

"This is just sad." Louis smirks, as Zayn trips in the hall.

I see something click in Perrie's eyes, and in an instant, she grabs the three suitcases with no problem.

"Well Zayn," Louis puts an arm around the dark haired boy. "Looks like you're going to be the woman in this relationship."

Zayn looks offended, and struggles to get out of Louis' grasp.

"C'mon people!" Harry calls from the elevator, as he manages to keep the door from closing.

"Stop being so demanding, Curly." Eleanor jokes, as everyone makes their way to the elevator.

"You" Harry pulls Eleanor in front of him, and wraps his arms around her waist. "Better be glad I love you."

Liam punches the button for the hotel lobby, and I look up to see Louis. He has an eyebrow cocked, as he looks at the scene between El and Harry. What's that about?

"Alright people, hands, feet, and all other body parts to YOURSELF." He narrows his eyes at Harry, before separating him from Eleanor.

Eleanor slowly turns to face me, her face plastered with confusion. I shrug my shoulders and laugh.

Everyone, besides Liam, follows Harry out to the tour bus to load all of our things. Liam will be out, as soon as he finishes his "thank you speech", as Louis phrases it, to the hotel employees.

"Harry, you said we'd be crammed in here?" Perrie sasses, when everyone finally gets into the bus.

"Well, I mean..." Harry doesn't finish his statement, as he looks around the bus.

"We tried to tell him!" Zayn shouts.

"You each have your own bed?" I cut in, as I examine the bunk bed type things that are in the wall.

"And, there's a U-Shaped couch in the back." Niall flashes me a smile. "Right next to the kitchen." His smile widens.

"I just thought a hotel room might be a better idea..." Harry mumbles.

"Well, you were WRONG!" Louis playfully yells in the younger boys face.

Liam wraps an arm around Harry. "It doesn't matter now." Harry smiles at Liam. "What matters now, is that we are going to play a game to get to know each other better." Liam winks at me, and I immediately think back to our conversation from earlier this morning.

"What game could we could we possibly play?" Louis smirks.

Liam cocks his head to one side as he thinks. "We could..." He pauses. "Play Truth or Dare?" He finally says, although it comes out more like a question.

"I like that idea." I chime in. "We could get to know each other from the questions that are asked, and the dares that we do."

"WE COULD PLAY IT MY WAY!" Harry eagerly pipes up.

"NO, NO, NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT." I hear Eleanor come storming from the front of the bus.

"Oh, you know you had fun that night." Harry chuckles.

Eleanor crosses her arms. "I almost ended up naked."

"Excuse me?" Louis chokes on some water he was drinking.

"You mean to tell me that you guys have never played Truth or Dare with Harry?" Eleanor asks, scanning the four boys.

"Nope." Niall announces, as he pops some popcorn in the microwave.

"What's so bad about it, babe?" Perrie cuts in.

"If you don't want to answer a question, or do a dare, you have to remove an article of clothing." Eleanor replies.

Harry shrugs his shoulders. "Seems fair to me."

"We'd REALLY get to know each other then." Zayn speaks in a sarcastic voice.

I look to my left, where Perrie is. "Lets do it!" She shouts.

"WHAT?!?" Liam exclaims.

"You shouldn't have a problem if you'll just answer all the truths, and do all the dares." Harry looks to Liam with playful eyes. "Besides it was your idea."

Liam groans, but takes a seat on the U-Shaped couch. "Lets play..." He mumbles.

Everyone takes a seat on the couch, and looks around, waiting for something to happen.

"I'll go first!" Harry grins a cheeky smile at Eleanor. "Truth or Dare, El?"

Eleanor sends Harry a smirk. "Dare."

"I dare you to read the last text you received."

Eleanor throws Harry a funny look, but fumbles in her purse for her phone.

I hear the engine of the tour bus roar, followed by a deep voice from the front. "Everybody ready to start our long... Long drive?" I laugh as the voice sounds 'enthused' about the drive.

"Yeah, Paul! We're ready!" Niall yells to the front of the bus, grabbing a handful of popcorn.

I hear clicking on Eleanor's phone, and turn to see her going to her messages. "Most recent one." I warn, making sure she goes to the right one.

"It's from Gabe, and it reads, 'Hey El, I heard you're going to America with some friends. I hope you have fun, and be safe. I hope to see you when you get back.' Eleanor finishes reading off the text, before looking back up at Harry.

"Very well then." Harry says flatly.

Eleanor then scans the table, and her eyes land on Niall. "Truth or dare, love."

Niall grins at her. "Truth."

"Have you ever had a dream about one of the boys? If so, who was it about, and what happened in the dream." She asks, putting her phone back in her bag.

I watch as Niall's eyes widen, and his face turns a bright shade of pink. He groans before reluctantly replying "Yes."

After Niall doesn't say anything else, Louis sasses. "There's more than one part to the question, answer the rest, or take off that nasty stained shirt that you're wearing."

I hear kicking under the table, followed by Louis whimpering, "Ow."

Niall looks down at his shirt, that is in fact stained before continuing. "It was about Harry..."

Louis' eyes widen, and his mouth gapes open.

"We kissed... and things kinda progressed from there... I don't really want to go into detail."

I nudge Eleanor, feeling bad for Niall. That must have been hard for him to admit.

"It's ok, Niall." Eleanor speaks in a soft voice. "You don't have to go into detail."

I glance at Harry, he looks confused, curious, and like he wants to comfort Niall.

Niall pushes the half empty bowl of popcorn away from himself. "Liam, truth or dare?"

"Truth." Liam grins at the blonde headed boy.

"Tell everyone the most recent soundtrack you downloaded onto your phone."

Liam bites his lip before speaking in a quick voice. "The Teen Beach Movie Soundtrack..."

Louis grins, and shakes his head at Liam. "You're nineteen years old, and still watching Disney Channel."

I shrug my shoulders. "I'm older than Liam, and I've watched Teen Beach Movie...twice. I have most of the song lyrics memorized, and a couple of my friends want to learn the dance moves, too."

Louis gives me a look that screams 'you have got to be kidding me.', before speaking to Liam. "I've found your soul mate."

Liam grins. "Truth or dare, Dani?"

I ponder for a moment, but decide on "Truth."

"You're all losers!" Eleanor shouts, realizing she's the only one who has chosen dare.

Liam ignores her outburst. "What's your favorite Disney movie?"

"I really do like Teen Beach Movie." I admit, thinking about some more movies. "The Disney Princesses are cute, too. Someday I hope to have a daughter, so I can watch all of them with her." I stop speaking when I realize that I'm rambling on, although Liam looks like he wants me to continue talking.

"Umm, Zayn, truth of dare?" I stutter out.

"Dare." He replies, casually.

"FINALLY!" Eleanor exclaims.

I chuckle at my best friend's outburst, before speaking to Zayn, "I dare you to not look in a mirror every chance you get, while the girls and I are still here."

Zayn looks at me, as if I've just asked him to do a deadly task.

"Are you crazy?!?" He shouts, pulling his shirt off, and throwing it at me. "You guys are going to be here for four more days, not to mention the rest of today!"

Everyone laughs at how serious Zayn takes his mirrors. "Perrie, truth or dare?" He pokes the blonde headed girl beside him.

"Dare." She replies.

I notice a grin pulling across Zayn's face. "I dare you to kiss the person to your rig-LEFT."

Perrie is sitting between Zayn and Harry. Guess who's on her left.

Perrie simply pulls her jacket off, and gives Zayn a playful look.

"HEY!" Zayn exclaims in shock.

"Just trying to make things interesting." Perrie teases, before planting a kiss on Zayn's lips.

"I like her, she stays." Harry chuckles, as he swings Perrie's jacket around. "This girl knows how to have a good time."

"Alright, Styles." Perrie pulls away from Zayn. "Truth or dare?"

"I'm going to go with truth for my first one." Harry declares.

Perrie rolls her eyes. "Have you ever wanted Eleanor to be more than a friend?"

I notice that Louis seems to really be paying attention to the game now.

I watch as Harry's eyebrows furrow together for a moment, he seems to really be thinking this through. "No, don't get me wrong, I love Eleanor, but in a best friend type way." He smiles at Eleanor, who smiles back.

"Awwww!" Liam whines.

Harry shoots him a look. "What does this remind you of some scene from your little Disney movies?" He retorts.

Liam looks offended, and doesn't say a word.

"Lou, truth or dare?" Harry questions the boy who is sitting across from him.

"Surprise me." Louis fakes a voice of enthusiasm.

"Could you see yourself with any of the people sitting here? And who?" Apparently, Harry is going with a truth.

Louis' eyes scan everyone. "Yes, yes I could." He finally states. "But, I won't say who."

"You know what that means!" I tease Louis.

Louis nods his head, and stands up. "Haz, do you want to help me out of my jeans?"

"WHAT?!?" Harry yells with wide eyes.

"Oh, like you haven't before." Louis smirks.

"Ohhh." Eleanor says quietly.

"Umm..." Perrie coughs. "Harry, I dare you to help Louis out of his pants."

Harry throws her a look, before grabbing some popcorn, and throwing it at her.

Perrie shrugs her shoulders, and gladly eats the popcorn that fell in her lap.

Harry reluctantly gets up off the couch, and makes his way over to the older boy.

"Go ahead." Louis smirks to the curly haired boy, who has his jaw clenched.

"You can't just take off your shirt, or a sock?" Harry whines.

"Nope." Louis pops the p in the word.

Harry shakes his head, and with his eyes still locked on Louis', his hands make their way down to the button on Louis' jeans.

"Wow, Harry!" Louis exclaims. "You know what to do without even looking!"

I'm guessing this made the situation even more embarrassing for Harry, because in an instant, he yanks down on Louis' pants, causing a ripping sound.

"You ripped them?!?" Louis shouts, stepping out of his jeans, and examining them.

Sure enough, there is a rip in the jeans.

"Oooops." Harry smirks, taking his seat on the couch.

Louis looks at Harry like he's a monster. "El, truth or dare?" Louis asks, laying the jeans across the back of the couch.


"Look who's being a loser now!" I joke.

Eleanor turns to face me. "After what just happened, I'm afraid to choose dare."

"Tell us all about the guy who text you, Gabe I think was his name." Louis basically demands.

"Well, he and I go to Uni together. We're both majoring in the same thing, politics and sociology. We've been friends for a while now." She shrugs her shoulders, as if she doesn't know what else to say.

Louis nods his head in approval.

Eleanor turns to face me. "Truth or dare, babe?"


Eleanor looks from Liam to me. "I dare you to go sit on Liam's lap."

I look across the couch at Liam, who has his arms open, ready for me.

I get up and make my way to Liam. "Hey." He whispers, wrapping his arms around me.

"You know," Louis looks at Liam and me with a cheeky smile. "You would have really made Liam happy, if you had taken your shirt off first."

"LOUIS!" Liam's voice erupts in my ear.

"Alright guys," Paul comes staggering to the back of the bus, rubbing his forehead. "Bail out, so we can get some dinner and-" Paul cuts himself off when he sees Louis. "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR PANTS?!?"

Louis looks down at his Super Man themed boxers. "Harry tried to get in my pants again. He got closer than ever this time, he ripped my jeans. MY FAVORITE JEANS! And nobody tried to help me! Can you believe that?!?"

Paul looks at Liam. "What happened, and why isn't Zayn wearing a shirt either?"

"We're playing Truth or Dare." Liam chuckles.

Paul nods his head, believing this scenario more. "Everyone just get dressed and get out, so we can get some dinner."

Louis stands up. "You know it's very hurtful that you don't belief me!"

"Louis, just put some pants on. You wish Harry would try and get in your pants." Paul declares before walking away.

Louis stands there in disbelief, his mouth hanging open.

"Yeah, you wish." Harry winks, and slaps Louis' bum, before following Paul.


Author's Note
What does everyone think of the 'Best Song Ever' music video? I absolutely love it!
I really like this chapter, I hope you guys do too! Feel free to give me any advice, ideas, or just feedback in general.

Massive Thank You for reading,
-Savannahhh :)

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