Early Bird

868 23 2

Eleanor's Point of View

I wake up when I hear the pilot announcing that the plane will be landing. I look to my left to see that Danielle is also waking up.

"Good morning, babe." She says groggily.

"Good morning, gorgeous." I reply with a weak smile.

I then turn to Perrie, and it doesn't surprise me when she's still sound asleep. I groan, knowing that tying to wake her up will be my biggest challenge of the day.

"Perrie, love, it's time to get up." I say, gently shaking her.

She groans in response.

"Perrie, you have to wake up, the plane is landing."

"You can't tell me what to do." She demands, shooing my hand away from her body.

"Well then!" I gasp.

Danielle laughs loudly at the scene between Perrie and myself.

"Lets see what happens when I do this." Dani smiles evilly, untwisting the cap off her water bottle, and pouring a little water down the front of Perrie's shirt.

"I SWEAR I'LL KILL YOU IN YOUR SLEEP, ELEANOR." Perrie shouts, finally opening her eyes.

I bite my lip, as the few other people that are on the plane turn to look at us with looks of complete shock.

"She's not much of a morning person." Danielle reassures everyone. The people slowly turn back around in their seats.

Perrie turns to give Dani and me a glare that could kill.

"For the record, I wasn't the one the poured water down your shirt..." I announce, feeling a little scared of Perrie at this point.

Perrie turns her full attention to Danielle. "I'll remember this." She threatens, sitting up in her seat.

After we've gotten our luggage, I piggy back the still half asleep Perrie to the waiting area of the airport.

"What time did Harry say he would be here?" Dani yawns.

"Around 4:00" I reply, my eyes blinking rapidly to stay awake.

"Well" Dani halfway laughs, "Its 4:30... Where's your night and shining armor?"

"He's right here." That familiar voice calls from behind me.

I turn around and gasp, dropping Perrie and running into Harry's open arms.

"Hey, El." He grunts, as I leap into him.

"Hey." I mumble into his neck.

Harry spins us around once, before balancing me on my feet.

"Dani, Perrie, come here!" I call back to the girls who are a good couple feet behind me.

"I'm Danielle, but you can call me Dani." Danielle smiles, introducing herself to Harry.

"Oh, yeah, you're Eleanor's mom." Harry chuckles before wrapping an arm around Danielle and rubbing her shoulder.

I giggle, a couple months ago, Harry called my phone, but I was in the shower, so I left my phone in the living room with Dani. She ended up answering Harry's call and started throwing him question after question. 'Who are you?' Are you Eleanor's boyfriend?' 'If you hurt her, I'll hurt you.' And so on.

"Sorry about that..." Danielle mumbles, her cheeks turning a bit red.

Harry laughs again.

"I'm Perrie, and I would thoroughly enjoy a bed right now." Perrie groans.

"Hey, you're in the band, Little Mix!" Harry exclaims.

"Yeah!" Perrie pipes up.

"No way! The boys and I are huge fans of you guys." Harry wraps his other arm around Perrie. "Especially Zayn." He adds on.

Perrie smiles an enormous smile. She looks a bit like a mad-man, because her blonde hair is going in all directions.

"Where are the boys?" I ask Harry, realizing that he's the only one here.

"They're at the hotel, sleeping. I talked Paul into letting us stay at a hotel while you guys are here, instead of all of us trying to cram into the Tour Bus." Harry replies, grabbing the majority of our bags.

I nod my head, understanding.

"So I get my own bed?" Perrie asks as she yawns.

"Well, you might have to share with someone, but you will indeed have a bed." Harry laughs.

"Thank you!" Perrie shouts.

"By the way, nice pajamas." Harry jokes as we walk out of the airport, and into the Illinois air.


We load our suitcases into the oversized cab that Harry got for us, and begin the 40 minute drive from the Chicago O'Hare International Airport, to Tinley Park, Illinois. The boys will be playing their final show their tonight, before they have to leave for Minnesota.

After we get to the hotel, Harry shows us to the room. He wasn't kidding when he said that we might have to share a bed. It's a rather large room, nothing like I've seen before, it has four beds that look like they've been crammed in here.

"You arranged this just for us, didn't you?" I turn to Harry, after we get all of our bags and suitcases to the room.

"Yes..." He mutters.

I laugh when I see that Zayn and Niall are already sharing a bed. Leaving Liam in his own, and Louis in his own.

"Pick a bed." Harry whispers to the girls and me. "I was sharing one with Louis, but I can adjust to however you guys want to do it."

Perrie doesn't say a word. She simply makes her way over to the bed that is completely empty, and still made. She literally falls to the bed, not bothering to pulls the covers back or anything.

"Ummm...ok." Harry turns to Dani and me. "Who's next?"

"I'll just share the bed with Perrie." Danielle declares, before thanking Harry and making her way to the bed.

"Alrighty then. So, would you rather share a bed with Louis, or Liam?" Harry questions me, poking my arm.

"I don't know. Which one do I want to share a bed with?" I ask.

"Well, Liam isn't a bed hog like Louis is. But, I think you and Louis would get on quite well by the time that you get to know each other." Harry explains.

"I'll go with Liam for now. Besides, I wouldn't want to disturb the Larry Stylinson bed arrangement." I tease.

"Whatever..." Harry mutters, with a grin before slipping under the covers next to Louis.


It seems like I only got to sleep for five more minutes by the time that I wake up. Even though I've gotten four hours of sleep, making it 10:00 in the morning.

Actually, I was woken up to yelling. Niall's yelling to be exact.

"ZAYN, GET OUT OF THE SHOWER! I NEED TO WEE!" Niall yells, beating on the bathroom door.

"Keep it down, Niall! You've already woken up one of the girls." Liam calls to him, barley shouting.

"Sorry!" Niall shouts back.

"Good morning." Liam laughs, looking down at me. I must look pathetic because I have one eye open from the bright sunlight shining through the window.

"Good morning." I reply, pulling the warm, white sheets over my head to block out the sunlight.

"So that means that everyone besides Danielle and Perrie are awake." Harry announces.

"Oh Harry, let them sleep. They've had a rough morning." Liam suggests. "Besides, Louis and Niall still have to get ready."

"Ok...ok." Harry mumbles back.

"What are you hiding from us or something?!?" A childish voice erupts from above me.

"No!" I peek back out from under the covers. "Of course not!" My eyes are met with the most gorgeous eyes I've ever seen. Louis' eyes.

"Good!" He laughs before crawling over me and laying between between Liam and me. "You're Eleanor?" He questions me.

"Yes. But, you can call me El, if you would like." I smile at him.

"Alright, El. I'm Louis, the most amazingly, funtastic, handsome person you'll ever meet." Louis rambles on.

I find myself biting my lip when I notice that Louis is completely shirtless, revealing his tattooed body.

"Alright, Louis." Niall comes storming into the room, dripping wet with only a towel around his waste. "Your turn."

"Try not to miss me too much, everyone. I'll be right back, I promise." Louis teases before escaping to the bathroom.

Harry shakes his head and rolls his eyes, before speaking to Niall. "What's Zayn doing?"

Niall give him a look that says 'did you seriously just ask me that?'
"What the hell do you think he's doing? He's fixing his hair." Niall answers, slipping into a shirt.

I can't help but laugh at the way that Niall answered Harry's question. I look to the bed where Dani and Perrie are, and notice that Perrie still isn't under any covers. In fact, it looks like she hasn't moved any from a few hours ago. Danielle's nose twitches as she turns over.

I turn to Liam with playful eyes. "Want to help me wake up the Sleeping Beauties?"

"You don't want to let them sleep for 30 more minutes or so? They look so peaceful, and I wouldn't want to-" Liam cuts himself off when he sees that I'm jumping on the bed and shouting.

"IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP! GET UP SLEEPY HEADS." I shout, jumping between Danielle and Perrie.

To my surprise, Perrie is the first one to open her eyes.

"Hey." She says casually, rubbing her eyes and sitting up in the bed.

I'm in too much shock, that I don't notice Danielle waking up.

"What time is it?" A drowsy Danielle asks.

"Almost 11:00." Liam announces as he begins to make the bed that he and I were sleeping in.

"You do realize that they pay room service to do that, right?" Niall asks, as he gives Liam a funny look.

"I know..." Liam mumbles, but continues to make the bed.

A high pitched scream erupts from the bathroom, followed by Louis screeching, "ZAYN, YOU USED ALL THE HOT WATER?!?"

"Sorry, man!" Zayn yells back, finally showing himself to the girls and me.

"Vas Happenin'?" Zayn flashes the girls and me a smile, before tossing his hair product into his bag.

"I thought Zayn wasn't a morning person." I wonder out loud.

"He's not." Harry begins with a cheeky smile. "But, he is a Perrie Edwards person."

Zayn's eyes go wide and his cheeks turn red, as he turns to face Harry. "I swear, I'll kill you in your sleep, Styles."

"Awww, look they have the same catch phrase." I tease.

This sends Danielle and me into a laughing hysteria as we think back to Perrie this morning on the plane.

"I strongly suggest that NO ONE else takes a shower!" Louis screeches, as he makes his way out of the bathroom, shaking.

"Can I interest you in some clothes?" Liam offers, covering his eyes.

"Oh, but when Niall comes out in just a towel, it's just the cutest thing ever." Louis smirks, crossing his arms.

"That was before everyone was awake!" Liam shrieks.

"I don't see anyone else complaining." Louis sasses.

"Just... Get dressed." Liam sighs.

Louis grabs some clothes and goes back to the bathroom to get dressed.

I begin to braid Perrie's hair for no particular reason. "What's the plan for today?" I speak to anyone who will answer.

"Food." Niall declares in one word.

Zayn face palms himself, causing Perrie to snort a laugh.

Harry rolls his eyes. "I figured we could goof off at the amphitheater until our show tonight."

"Wait, do we get to see you guys perform?" Danielle asks in complete confusion.

"Yes!" Liam laughs.

"Oh." Dani laughs back.

"So, the sooner that LOUIS gets ready," Harry shouts toward the bathroom. "The sooner that we can get the fun started."

"And the sooner that Nialler can get some food." Niall states.

"Danielle, Perrie, and Eleanor still have to get ready." Liam points out.

"Psssh, we'll be ready in no time." Perrie announces casually.

"See. Perrie's hair is already fixed." I announce, as I finish off her braid.

"I'm ready!" Louis chants, as he joins us once again.

"Thank God!" Niall cheers.

"Alright, Perrie." Zayn pulls out his phone. "You go get ready, and I'll time you to see just how speedy you are."

Perrie laughs and grabs her bag. "No problemo."

11 minutes and 21 seconds later, Perrie is ready to go.

"Like a boss." She jokes.

"Oh, whatever. I can totally beat your time." I tease.

"We'll see about that." Perrie crosses her arms. "Zayn, time her."

"Oh snap! We got a little competition going on in here!" Louis snaps his fingers in a Z formation.

I grab my bag, and take off for the bathroom. I rummage through my bag, and decide on the floral dress that Perrie suggested I bring with me. I slip into the dress and grab my brush. To my surprise, my hair looks better than decent after its brushed out. I quickly do my make-up, but still make sure that it looks appealing. I smile and bounce out of the bathroom, as I pull on some sandals.

"Did I beat her?!?" I yelp, almost tripping.

Zayn looks from Perrie to me a couple times, before he announces my time. "Nine minutes and 57 seconds."

"Oh! What now?" I playfully yell in Perrie's face.

Perrie pouts.

"I can beat both your times." Danielle declares.

"We'll see about that." I sass like Perrie did.

With that, Danielle escapes to the bathroom.

"C'mon Danielle!" Liam shouts, glancing at Zayn's phone. "You can do it!"

Minutes later, Danielle exits the bathroom in a rather calm manor.

Zayn's eyes go wide. "Seven minutes. Exactly."

"Oh no she didn't!" Louis exclaims.

"Oh Yes she did!" Niall shouts. "Now lets go, before my stomach starts talking to me!"

"Told you we would be ready in no time." Perrie smirks as we walk out of the hotel room.


The eight of us cram into the Tour Bus and begin the adventure for the First Midwest Bank Amphitheater.

"What time does the concert start tonight?" I ask.

"6:00?" Zayn answers, although it comes out more like a question.

Liam chuckles. "Yes Zayn, 6:00. But, we'll have to start getting ready around 5:00."

"So, that means that we have four hours to act like complete fools!" Louis shrieks.

A few minutes later, we arrive at the amphitheater.

"FOOOOOOOD!" Niall yells at the top of his lungs, as he bails out of the bus.

"Oh my..." Danielle mumbles under her breath.

"Get used to it." Liam puts an arm around Dani. "You get to spend five more days with it."

Danielle laughs in response as we follow Niall into the large building. It doesn't surprise anybody when Niall leads us to the snack table.

"What should I eat first?" Niall rubs his hands together as he looks over the table.

Niall lets out a loud scream and puts his hand over his heart, when out of no where, Perrie lurches for the snack table. Niall looks at her like she's a monster.

"What?" Perrie retorts as she grabs a handful of pretzels. "I wasn't going to just stand there like you were."

I look at Zayn, and he's looking at Perrie like what she just did was the sexiest thing ever. Harry wasn't kidding when he said that Zayn is a Perrie Edwards Person.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I feel a hand on my wrist.

"Lets go have some fun." Louis' voice taunts me.

I grab the bowl of strawberries from the the table before following him.

"So, tell me Eleanor, how did you and Harry meet?" Louis asks after we've walked a while.

I swallow a strawberry."He's told you about the bakery he used to work at, right?"

Louis' eyebrows furrow together for a moment, then a grin pulls across his face. "Are you the girl that Harry had the flour fight with?!?"

"I am!" I laugh.

"I love that story!" Louis chuckles, before imitating Harry. "So, basically like, I had flour in places that I shouldn't have had flour."

I laugh at his imitation before adding on. "So, basically like, Eleanor and I, we uh... we almost got...fired. But like, I make it sound really boring, because I add like, these dramatic pauses and my voice... it like lacks emotion."

"Good one!" Louis laughs before lightly slapping my arm.

I grin, maybe Harry knew what he was talking about when he said that Louis and I would get on well...

"Harry wouldn't shut up about you when he got the idea to fly you out here." Louis admits, sliding into the drivers side of a golf cart.

I don't say anything as I slip into the passenger side.

"Now I can see why..." Louis mumbles under his breath as he backs the golf cart up.

I act like I didn't hear what he just said, mainly because I don't think I was meant to hear it.

"What are we doing?" I chuckle, as Louis struggles to put the cart in drive.

"We." He pauses, finally getting it in drive. "Are going to do whatever we want. Just as the boys and I always do."

"Well, you chose a very classy mode of transportation to do it in."

Louis sends me a smile with playful eyes before he literally floors it.

"Anyone want a ride in the fun-mobile?" Louis shouts, as he circles the snack table where everyone still is.

"I'll go for a quick ride, Louis!" Liam pipes up.

Louis abruptly hits the breaks and gives Liam a funny look.

"Sorry, Liam! Cool kids only!" Louis calls back, as he drives away.

"Well then!" I hear Liam gasp from behind us, followed by a laugh that I'm certain belongs to Dani.

"Nice to hear that I'm a 'cool kid'." I joke with Louis.

"If you keep hanging with me you will be." Louis sends me another smile.

"Oh, and if I don't?" I smirk.

Louis gasps. "Then you'll be known as the world's biggest loser."

"Oh my, we can't have that."

"Which is why you have to stick with me."

I open my mouth to speak, but get cut off by a deep voice.

"Louis, get off of that golf cart!"

"No can do, Paul!" Louis shouts to the dark haired man.

Paul throws his hands up in frustration, before walking away.

"Does he always give up that easily?" I laugh.

Louis shrugs his shoulders "Eh, sometimes."

"LOUIS, GET BACK HERE." Niall's Irish voice booms.

"WHAT?!?" Louis yells, as he rolls towards Niall.

"Danielle wants to learn how to do 'The Joe'." Niall replies.

"Why doesn't she just have Liam show her? He's the one who taught it to us anyway."

"Apparently she wants everyone do it."

Louis turns to me with a confused expression. "She's a professional dancer, and she wants to learn 'The Joe'?"

I snort a laugh.

"What the hell." Louis mumbles as we make our way to where everyone else is.

"Places everyone!" Liam sings.

All five boys gladly take a position, standing in a line, facing Dani, Perrie, and myself.

"Ready boys?!?" Liam's yells enthusiastically as he begins to play some music on his phone.

The music begins, but the boys seem to be waiting for something as the music continues to play. Louis bobs his head in a weird way. Then, all at once, they begin to do 'The Joe'. I can't help but notice that Louis puts a little more of a thrust into it than the other boys.

"Do you have it down yet, Danielle?" Zayn hisses after the sixth time.

"She sure does." Liam grins, pulling her over to him. "Because she is going to do it with us this time."

Harry gives me a cheeky smile. "You and Perrie get over here too."

Paul comes jogging over about that time. "Boys, you need to go get ready for your concert." He demands.

"Hold on, Paul. Let us do something real quick." Liam hands him his phone. "Will you record it for me?"

"Record what for you?" Paul looks at Liam confused.

"You'll see." Liam laughs.

"Ready everyone?" Liam asks with an enormous grin, looking like a kid in a candy store.

Harry pulls out his phone and begins a song. "Ready." He declares with a look of determination.

I'm quite surprised when we all begin dancing at once. Paul shakes his head, but continues recording anyway. I glance at Niall, and he seriously looks like he could not care less about the dance he's doing. Dani has the dance down pat which is no surprise. Perrie is just having fun with it, and throwing the camera funny faces as she does so.

Three minutes and twelve seconds later, the song and the dancing stops.

Paul hands Liam back his phone with a stern look.

"We'll be backstage to get ready in five minutes, I promise." Liam says.

Paul nods his head before walking away.

"You have to send me that video, the rest of Little Mix would love to see that!" Perrie squeals, as she pulls on Liam's shoulder.

"Alright, yeah." He laughs. "I'll send it to all of you. I'll need your numbers though."

I'm a little shocked when Danielle is the first to take Liam's phone, and put her number in it. Liam looks shocked too, but the shock is soon replaced by a massive grin. Danielle passes the phone to Perrie, and finally Perrie passes the phone to me.

"Cool." Liam laughs as I hand him his phone back.

"See you from on stage." Zayn jokes, mainly to Perrie.

Harry rolls his eyes, before speaking to me. "You have front row seats, so they shouldn't be hard to find."

I nod my head, and with that we go our separate ways.


"Liam is a sweet heart." Dani admits, as we make our way to the front row.

"Awww!" Perrie whines.

I wiggle my eyebrows at her. "And what about you and Zayn?"

Perrie bites her lip.

"Would you say you're a Zayn Malik Person?" Danielle smirks, as I think it.

"Haha very funny!" Perrie yells, sarcastically.

Dani and I throw her looks that say 'really?'

"Ok...fine, I MIGHT be a Zayn Malik Person." Perrie admits.

"She totally is." I say directly to Danielle.

"Yep." Danielle agrees.

We find our way to our to the front row, and at 6:00 exactly, the concert begins. The crowd was loving every second of the performance, as was I. It seemed like throughout the entire night, Zayn was looking at Perrie. Every now and again, Liam would smile at Danielle. I feel a little sad when the concert ends around 11:45, because I was really enjoying all five of the boys looking so proud and happy. Not to mention their MANY funny moments on stage.

"You guys were great!" I shriek, after we meet back up backstage.

"Thank you!" All five boys grin.

"Lets get back to the hotel, because I am warn out." Harry yawns. "Besides, we have to leave for Minnesota tomorrow."

We all nod our heads in agreement, before stumbling our way out to the Tour Bus.


Author's Note

Thank you so so much for reading! I know I ended this chapter in an odd way, I'm sorry about that. If you have any advice, ideas, or feedback, please let me know.

Thank You Again, Babe,
-Savannah :)

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