I'm Still Me

352 18 22

Shoutout to niall_is_my_prince

This Update is for you, babe! It took me long enough, I know! But Lauren is FINALLY in the story! :) I hope you like what I've done with her!

Louis' Point of View

"You're finally mine." I mumble against Eleanor's neck with a smile that's been stuck on my face ever since last night.

"And you're finally mine." Eleanor mumbles with no emotion.

I sit up on the bed and look down at the brown headed girl. "You don't sound too happy about that."

Eleanor opens her eyes up at me. "Of course I'm happy, I've just got this major headache."

I sigh and make a pouty face. I get that she doesn't feel too great, but don't make me feel that way too! I have waited too long for this!

"Awww!" Eleanor sits up so that we're face to face. "Don't give me that look!"

I'll do as I please, thank you very much.

"As soon as Liam gets out of the bathroom, I'll go freshen up and I'm sure I'll feel better. And then..." Eleanor wraps her arms around my neck and kisses my lips. "We can pick up where we left off last night."

My heart flutters at this, but I refuse to give in. "Your breath is rank, El."

Eleanor fakes a gasp before pushing me off of the bed and onto the floor.

I pull my knees up to my chest to hide my enormous grin.

Niall's Point of View

I stare at Harry as he continues to talk. Something about how Zayn and Perrie are missing? I'm not for sure, but I do know that all I can keep thinking about is the fact that Eleanor and Louis are now officially a couple.

Last night when Lou came up to tell Harry and me the great news, you could just tell that he was bursting with joy. I'm glad that Louis is so happy now, but its just frustrating for me. I can blame no one but myself though, I'm the one who fell for El and did absolutely nothing about it. Words can't even begin to describe how much I wish that I was the one that she curled up to last night-

"Niall?" Harry waves his hand in front of my face.

My eyebrows furrow together. "What, Harry?"

"I asked you if you wanted to come with me to look for Perrie and Zayn, but you just kept staring at the ground."

I shake my head no.

Harry puts his arm around me. "You don't want to get out of this house?"

I take a deep breath. He has a point there. "I do." I finally say. "But I want to be alone. I just need some time alone to think."

Harry nods his head as if he understands. "I'm still going to look for them. I'll go ask Liam if you can borrow his car keys and I'll tell them that we're both leaving."

I just nod my head even though Harry has already started to walk away.

It only takes a matter of minutes for Harry to return. "Here you go, mate!" he tosses me the shiny key to Liam's car before beginning to make his way to the front door.

"Harry." I command.

"Yeah?" he turns around, with noticeable bewilderment on his face.

"I know you don't like clothes, but all you have on is pants."

Harry's eyes scan his own body and he makes an O shape with his mouth. "Well, all you have on is boxers."

He says it like I'm unaware of it. "Let's just both go get dressed." I sigh, not wanting to continue this stupid conversation.

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