Summer Love

455 22 16

Shoutout to Tealaelise11! Thank you for all the comments on the last chapter and all of the votes! :)

Perrie's Point of View

The sweet sound of Zayn's humming awakens me. I smile to myself before rolling over to face him.

"Good morning, love." he whispers before kissing my nose.

I look at the boy that lays just inches away from me. He hasn't shaved since he met my family, which was weeks ago. And his hair... lord, if he could see it now, he'd throw a fit. But, I definitely am not complaining because I love the rugged look.

My smile gets a little bigger and I place my hand against his chest, liking the warmth that radiates from his body. "Did you sleep well?"

"Of course." he pulls our bodies closer together, which I didn't think was even possible. "I had you to cuddle up next to."

"You're a lucky man, Zayn Malik." I tease.

Zayn scoffs and wraps his arms around me. "I really am lucky, aren't I?"

I raise my eyebrows at him, signaling him to continue talking.

"I mean, I'm living my dream. And along with it, I've made four best mates... brothers more like." Zayn's hot breath tingles against my skin. "And to top it all off, I've got the most amazing girl in the world all to myself."

I feel my cheeks turn a bit pink from the amount of love that I have for the boy beside me. "Near perfect, I'd say." I declare before kissing his velvety lips.

"Let's not jinx anything." Zayn halfway teases before reluctantly pulling the covers off his body and getting out of the bed to stretch.

My eyes can't help but wander over his tattooed body.

"Like the view, babe?" he smirks before sashaying into the bathroom across the hall.

Well duh. I think to myself and playfully roll my eyes. That boy is going to be in that bathroom for the rest of the morning. I pull my hair up and adjust my tank-top before making my way out of the bedroom and onto the cool flooring in the hallway.

I stumble into the kitchen to find one of the boys curled up on the floor by the fridge.

"Niall, you silly boy." I chuckle. "Did you fall asleep in here after a late night snack?"

To my surprise, the boy sits up straight and looks at me.

"Liam?" I question before rushing to him.

Liam gives me a languid smile.

"Are you all right?" I gasp as I get a closer look at him.

Liam's short hair is even more of a mess than Zayn's was. His face is pale and dark circles are around his agonized eyes. His clothes are all twisted and wrinkled from the awkward position that he was laying in.

"I'll be okay." he mumbles and rests the back of his head against the silver fridge.

"Liar..." I mutter under my own breath.

Whether Liam heard my comment or not, he decides not to respond.

"What are you doing in here?" I ask softly.

Liam holds up a sweaty carton of milk. "Harry has a strict policy on no food or drinks in the bedrooms."

I blink at the mess of a boy beside me. "Is there another reason?"

Liam sighs and pulls his knees up to his chest. "Dani and I broke up last night." he looks at me with doleful eyes. "Or we're taking a break... so yeah, we broke up."

These Girls (One Direction Fan-Fic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora