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Shout out to itgirl2013! I am so sorry about the delayed update. I hope you enjoy the chapter! :)

Louis' Point of View

I toss and turn in my bunk, unable to get to sleep. Partially because Niall and Harry are in the bunk above me, but mostly because I can't stop thinking about Eleanor.

"Harry!" Niall chuckles.

Harry lets out an inhuman groan in response.

I bang on their bunk. "BOTH OF YOU KEEP IT DOWN."

Normally, I wouldn't mind that Niall and Harry are laughing and doing god knows what else, but it is two o'clock in the damn morning and I'm already an unhappy camper as it is.

A loud snore escapes Zayn's mouth, and I swear, the devil himself comes over me.


I'm guessing I made myself clear, because Niall and Harry's squeals and giggles come to a cease, even Zayn's snoring stops.

I sigh, content that it's at least quiet now.

I can't seem to wrap my brain around the fact that Eleanor left yesterday. Don't get me wrong, I miss Danielle and Perrie too, but it's just something about Eleanor that makes her special. I felt it from that first morning she was here...


"Louis..." Liam's voice wakes me up a few hours later.

I slowly open my eyes to meet Liam's face.

"God, Liam!" I exclaim. "Can I interest you in a breath mint?!?"

Liam has the best hygiene out of anyone on this bus, but not today.

"I know. I know." Liam mumbles and takes a step back. "I ate one of Harry's fajitas and can't find my toothbrush."

"Why don't you just use Ni-Ni's!" Harry smirks as he walks by.

I face palm myself in aggravation before asking what time it is.

"It's time for you to get a watch!" Liam chuckles in his cheesy, goofy way.

I narrow my eyes at Liam before sliding out of my bunk.

It's going to be a long day.

"Zayn, what time is it?" I ask as I take a seat beside the still half asleep boy.

He yawns. "9:00"

I nod my head. At least I finally got an answer.

"Guess who I just talked tooooooo!" Harry beams.

"Oh my god, who?!?" Zayn rolls his eyes with a fake voice of enthusiasm.

I snort a laugh.

Harry sends him a look of hurt before speaking again. "Eleanor."

"What did she say?" I find myself standing up and suddenly intrigued.

"She, Perrie, and Danielle all had a nice flight back home." Harry looks at Zayn. "Jade picked Perrie up from the airport."

"I know." Zayn sasses.

Harry gasps before speaking again. "Danielle is going to spend some more time with Eleanor before she heads off to Ireland to prepare for some dance thing."

"Wow! You're specific!" Zayn cuts in again.

Harry opens his mouth to speak, but I interrupt him. "What about Eleanor, what does she have planned?"

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