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Eleanor's Point of View

It's been over a week since the girls and I left America and those five obstreperous boy. Making today Sunday, so I've got the day off from work. I feel like today is going to be a very productive day, considering that it's two o'clock and I'm still in my pajamas.

I sigh.

All that I've done since we've been back is: go to work, catch up with my parents, and spend time with Dani up until she left for Ireland yesterday morning. OH! And did I mention the laundry? Yeah, there's loads of that too.

I groan in frustration.

Who would have thought that you could miss someone so badly? Well actually, I'm desperately missing five people... plus Perrie and Danielle. Oh! And Paul too! How could I forget that poor man? I laugh as I think about what Louis could possibly be doing to stress Paul out at this very moment...

My thoughts are interrupted by a knock at the door. I feel my face contort to confusion. Who could that be? I wrap a blanket around my shoulders and make my way to the front door.

I cautiously open the door and am greeted by my favorite pair of emerald green eyes.

I feel my own eyes go wide. "GABE!" I shriek.

"ELEANOR!" he shouts back before chucking and engulfing me in a hug.

"What are you doing here?" I mumble into his neck.

"I never got that call." He pulls away from the hug. "I had to make sure you made it back home okay."

I feel a bit guilty as I remember that I was suppose to call Gabe when I got back home. I didn't do it on purpose... I've just had a lot on my mind since I've been back...

"I'm sorry." I begin. "I didn't mean to worry you, or blow you off. I just-"

Gabe cuts off my rambling.

"It's okay." He reassures me. "Do you mind if I come in?" He chuckles and flicks his chestnut hair that's dripping wet.

I immediately dart out of the door frame so he can come in from the pouring rain.

"Let me get you a towel!" I offer before dashing for the bathroom.

I return to find Gabe sitting on the couch like he's been there for hours. When really it's been a matter of seconds.

"Thanks." He grins before using the towel to dry his hair. "How was your birthday trip?"

I feel myself smile like a lunatic. Gabe is the type of person that you can talk to about anything and he'll keep the conversation going, or simply listen. That's one thing I love about him.

"It was great!" I exclaim.

Gabe flicks his hair to the right and looks at me. "You didn't want to come back did you?"

I ponder his question. In a way I did, but in a way I didn't. I loved being with Harry more than anything. Meeting Louis and getting to spend time with him made me so happy. Perrie and Zayn's instant attraction to one another was almost magical to see. Danielle and Liam's connection truly was something you would expect to see in a Disney movie, they're just so darn cute. And Niall. He's just so care free and loveable, how could you not want to be around him? It absolutely broke my heart to know that he was homesick...

But I knew it wouldn't be long before I would be the one who was homesick.

"I didn't want to come back so soon." I admit. "I'm glad to be home though."

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