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Harry's Point of View

Its been a good few weeks since the lads and I have all been together. But today starts the first day that we will all be at my stepdad's little cottage as I like to call it. Heehee... I love everything about this little place. Its not too far away from the nearest town, but you're far enough away to have privacy. And the trees really add on to the privacy part... I like trees. The house itself isn't very large, but its not small either. Its like the perfect size, you know. OH! And it has a fireplace, my favorite part. I smile to myself as I pull into the parking area of the airport. Niall of course had to be flown out to London since he's been in Ireland for the past few weeks... hibernating and enjoying his Mum's cookin'.

I find a parking space fairly close to the entrance of the airport and strut my way in. Niall better be glad to see me. I just took a three hour drive just to come get his Irish self. I lean against a wall and pull my phone out.

I smile as I see that I have a new message from Louis... well he's actually in my phone as Boo Bear... but anyway...

Boo Bear: Harrrrry ! I've missed you so much ! Two weeks is TOO long ! I cannot wait to see you and the rest of the lads... mainly you ... but don't tell them that ;) I've just got to finish packing and then I'll be on the road headed in your direction !

I can't help but chuckle at Louis' cute ways of texting. I then shoot him a message back.

You're headed in One Direction... right...?

Within a few seconds, my phone vibrates, signaling that I have a new message.

Boo Bear: Don't make me rethink my decision to come out there.

I roll my eyes before replying.

I love you, Boo. Can't wait to see youuuu

Louis sends me a kissy face in response. I giggle like a girl and decide that its for the best if I leave it at that, otherwise Louis will never finish packing and I certainly do not want him texting and driving.

I begin to admire my boots when a force hits me.

"Oh, mercy me!" I screech as I lose my balance and fall to the floor.

I gulp as the figure that hit me wraps their body around mine. I'm in a bit of an awkward position here and I don't want to yell at the person, because I'm sure that its a fan that has spotted me... and I'm sure that she's just in that crazy fan-girl trance and can't help herself.

I feel something against my leg and its now that I realize that it most certainly is not a girl that has literally tackled me.

My eyes go wide.

"Harry!" the voice demands "Hug me back already!"

"Niall!?!" I have trouble shouting, due to shock and the breath that was literally knocked out of me.

Niall's laugh pierces my ears.

"Oh my God..." I mumble before wrapping my arms around his body.

"I've missed you!" he mumbles into my neck.

Well, at least he's glad to see me, so my three hour adventure was all worth it.

"I've missed you more!" I tease and secretly know its true.

I sometimes have sleepless nights whenever I'm away from the lads, just because I've gotten so used to spending almost every second of every day with them. Its all a bit strange to not fall asleep to the sound of their voices.

"C'mon!" Niall grins and extends a hand out to me to help me up.

I take his hand and stand up before grabbing his suitcase.

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