Chapter 3~My Day

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Hey guys! Poke-fangirl here!!! I just realized that Rose is basically me even though the Reader-chan's personality is based off of me.......hehe *sweatdrops*

Anyway enjoy!!!!!!
I stood froze as Pit woke, but luckily he fell back asleep. I wanted to wake them up but first I checked the time to it's 7:53 am....

"Shit I'm gonna be late!!! Phil why didn't you check on me!?" I ran out to the bathroom with my clothes since I don't when they'll actually wake up, changed into my black tank top, dark jeans, and (f/c) flannel, ran back in my room, brush my hair with out waking the two angels up, grab my phone, earbuds and backpack, and ran to the living room.

I see Phil, my step dad, sitting on the couch and he looked at me and chuckled "It's Wednesday".

I look at him dumbfounded "Wait what?" I stood there for a minute in silent. You see, on Wednesday we have a late start, so instead of starting at 8 it starts at 9:30. After standing I flopped on the other couch and decided to read my Pokémon fanfics. 'I'll deal with those two after school'

~Time Skip to lunch at school~

After having to do a Chopped cooking thing in cooking, having to dance with the guy I hate in PE, doing what I call easy math in, you guessed it, math class, and reading act 3 & 4 of Dairy of Anne Frank. It was finally lunch.

Ariel and I were roasting a girl all of us hate, (b/n) (Bully name), that Creed (sp?) from Black Cat has a better personality than her. Madison was reading the Assassination classroom manga, Riko was walking with Seragita around the lunch area, and Rose was reading Ariel's Blue Exorcist manga.

(B/n) left and I remembered the two angels.

'I hope they don't mess up my room'

"Hey (y/n)?" Ariel asked me, I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at her. "You okay? (B/n) did mention yours and Rose's older sisters." Oh! Yeah forgot to mention, me and Rose knew each other the longest because our older sisters were best friends. (I feel like you need someone to cry with)

"Wait she did what?" Rose said angrily, I guess she was lost in the manga to hear (b/n).

"She said 'Let's just hope you don't take an overdose on drugs and die'" Ariel said, hoping she wouldn't start raging.

"I'm gonna kill that b*tch!!" Rose shouted and I ran and held her back, Ariel had to do the same for me.

"Rose it's not worth it! We'll be no better then her."

"But we have to fight back at some point!" She yells at me.

The bell rings and we head to our classes.

~Time Skip to what this story's about~


As you entered your house, you instantly went to your room. And you see Pit and Pittoo sitting on your bed looking at your laptop and 3ds. They look at you as you went in and close the door. Luckily your Mom told you that no one will be home until six and it's four.

You staid still in silence for what felt like minutes.

"(Y/n)-chan!!" Pit said happily and tackled-hugged you. Wait...'chan'!?

"Idiot don't tackle her!!" Pittoo said getting off your bed and walking towards you.

"I couldn't help it! Sorry (y/n)-chan!" He got off of you and stood next to Pittoo.

"Okay three things. One: What the heck!? Two: How are you real!? Three: Chan!?!?" You yelled.

"Well, one:-"

"I said sorry!" Pit interupted Pittoo.

"Anyway, two: we are real, deal with it"

"Pittoo!!! That's not nice!"

"And three:......I have no idea" Pittoo answered or tried to answer. You just stayed on the floor, slightly fangirling on the inside.

"Let me help, to answer your number two, Master hand let us 'out of the game' when we asked!" Pit said like it was nothing.

"Wait why did you want 'out'?" You asked.

"We wanted to talk to you dumbo"

"Again why?" You asked once again.

'Why did they want to talk to me? I mean, I'm just a depressed girl who has a broken family.' You thought.

"Well......we can't say right now!!!" Pit said with a blush on his cheeks, you thought it was cute.

" what?"

'I'm still wondering about the whole 'chan' thing though.'

"We can hang out!!" Pit grabbed your hands and set you on your bed. "So.....what do you usually do?" You mentally facepalmed a little.

"Well I play video games and watch youtube."

"All right, let's just watch more of those stupid vocal-something videos in your liked playlist." Pittoo said.

"Vocaloid is not stupid!!!!" You yelled at him.

"But why are you listening to music that's not even in your language?" He asked.

"Because I can!!" You tackled him cause no one talks bad about Miku! You two fell off the twin bed and you ended up on his lap with his hands around your waist. You blushed bright red as Pittoo had a surprised look one his face. 'Wait, I see a slight blush on his face!' You thought.

You immediately got out if his lap and sat back on the bed still with the blush on your face.

After he processed what happened he yelled. "What was that for!?"

"Cause no talks about Hatsune Miku like that!" You stuck your tounge out. You clicked on a random video which happened to be Spice by Len Kagamine with English subtitles. You blushed red again and changed it to Sweet Magic by Rin Kagamine.

Though you didn't notice, Dark pit wanted you in his lap a little longer while smirking at Pit who glared at him. Though there is one thing in common with them right now.

They were thinking how cute you looked with a blush on your face.


I'm alive!!!!!~

Though if I want to keep it that way I better run cause Pittoo will kill me for calling him Pittoo through the whole chapter so for now, SEEYA!!!!!! *runs* don't tell him I was here!!!

Dark pit:I just read the chapter. Where is she!?!?

Me:*mutters* I'm so dead T_T

My Two Angels (Pit x Reader x Dark pit) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now