Boredom at its finest!

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PIT!!!! PITTOO!!!!! I'M BORED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dark pit:Don't complain to us!! Just watch that stupid anime that you were just watching *hears Have A Nice Music* YOU'RE STILL WATCHING IT!!!!!!!

Me:Shut up!!!! Actually I might just write an X reader for that anime, since it needs more than just shippings.....

Pit:Then why are we here?

Me:Geez Pit, you keep going out of character. Wonder what your bloopers are like...

Palutena:You can show them that, it'll help you not be bored.

Me:True.....but I don't want to do that at the same time......

Dark pit:Give me that!!! *grabs my phone* I'll just write the stupid bloopers with the others

Me:Hey!!! *is suddenly in true form* Espe!?!?!?


"Welcome to behind the scenes of My Two Angels!!" A woman exclaimed in excitement. "I'll be your tour guide! Please follow me." She then got up and walked away with the person she was talking to following behind.

"Here is one of the sets! Where most of the scenes happen." She pointed to a bedroom with (f/c) walls and a (s/f/c) bed. It had a few things here and there but what was the most noticeable was the cameras.

"Oh look there's Pit!" Then the two went towards the angel, who was getting a bottle of water from a vending machine. "Hello Pit!"

"Huh?" The male looked to see the two. "Oh hey Snow! You giving a tour to the readers?"

"Yep! Since we won't be releasing any chapters soon we might as well just show them behind the scenes."

"Makes sense I guess? Well it was nice to meet you!" With that Pit left the two and headed to his room.

"Aww come on!!! Rematch!!" A female voice shouted with a male voice following.

"Alright you animal freak!!!"

"Ugh those two, I don't understand why they like video games." A female voice suddenly said behind them. The two turned to see a girl with red long hair and purple eyes.

"Oh hi Reader-chan! That's what we call her since she plays as the reader." Snow whispered the last part to the other. "We edit her looks through computers so it can fit anyone's preferences."

"Yep. So why is this person here?" Reader-chan asked as she glared at the person.

"I'm giving them a tour!"

"Why the hell you do that? It'll ruin the 'magic' of this story." Reader-chan said in a sour tone. "I doubt Poke-fangirl would like that."

"She's okay with it, and you know she just likes being called Poké right? You always pronounce it wrong."

"Whatever I'm going, I don't why people even like this." Reader-chan then walked away, swaying her hips.

"What a bitch, I still can't believe that Poké hired her." Snow muttered under her breath before facing the person again. "Sorry about her, she's only here just to have a acting job."

She then started walking again. "Lets meet the other angel." Then walked to where the shouting was taking place. As soon as the two entered, a gaming controller almost hit them as it flew against the wall. Smashing to bits.

"Look now what you did!!!" The male, who turned out to be Dark pit, shouted at the female.

"Well you didn't have to cheat and push me off the couch!!" The female shouted back, her strange animal ears twitching in anger.

Snow cleared her throat so the two could see them, they turned their heads to see the two. "Oh! You must be the readers! Welcome, I'm the director/author! Just call me Poké!" The female said as she held her hand out for the person to shake it.

They did and Poké sat back on the couch. "And here's the jerk Pittoo."

"It's Dark pit you-"

"Watch it, I can write you out by horrible death." Poké said, making the dark winged male silent. She then turned to the person. "So how are you liking the tour?"

They shrugged their shoulders. "Well that's good, I think. Anyway I hope you will enjoy the next chapter one it comes out!"

"Don't I get a say?" Dark pit asked as he folded his head behind his head and used them as a pillow.

"What do you have to say? Something like 'Don't call me Pittoo' or other things you say all the time?"

"No, what I can't say hi?"

"Huh, that's new actually. I would expect you to leave saying whatever."

"I'm not that predictable."

"Well we would love to hear you two argue like an old marry couple, but it's almost time to end the tour."

"What!?" Poké exclaimed with a red face. "Stop saying that Snow!! It's embarrassing, especially in front of the readers!" She then looked to see if they were glaring or not. They were/weren't (you decide).

"But it's obvious that-"

"Stop!!!! Just show them the editing studio!!" With that Poké pushed the two out of the room and slammed the door.

"Shall we?" Snow looked to see the person nodding. "Alright!"

After some walking they entered a huge room with lots of computer and centurions working on them. "These guys edit out what's need to not be their. Like Reader-chan's hair length, color, and style, we also change her body type, skin color, eyes color, and voice. So she would look like what the readers, you, look like!"

A sudden beeping noise was heard and Snow checked her watch. "Oh crap! Time's up! The tour is over,  let me show you out!" When the two reached the entrance of the building, Snow smiled at the person. "We hope you enjoyed the tour! Please wait patiently for the next chapter, Poké is lazy sometimes."

"I AM NOT!!!!!!"

"Forgot she had super hearing." Snow muttered. With that the person walked away.



Snow:Well Palutena hasn't changed her back yet, so I hope you enjoyed our tour like I said. SEEYA!!!!!!!

Me:ESPE!!!!!!! *chases Snow*

My Two Angels (Pit x Reader x Dark pit) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now