Pit and Pittoo all alone!

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Hey guys!!-

Dark pit:Pit that is the worst impression of Poké I've ever heard.

Pit:Well now they know, Poké isn't here right now so it'll be just me and Pittoo

Dark pit:She's out on a walk and forgot her phone so we're gonna write this chapter for her

Viridi:And I'll make sure they don't ruin anything in the story

Pit:When did you get here!?


Pit's POV

I woke up to see the bed empty, I wonder where Pittoo is. I got up and got dressed in a simple red shirt with light pants. I walked to the kitchen to see Pittoo eating.

"Where's (Y/n)?" I asked, I didn't see her at all.

"She went for a walk, mentioned something about an abra being nearby." He said, taking another bite of his breakfast.

"Wait Abra? Like pokemon?"

"Yep, she went with her step brother Lj." Oh yeah! We forgot to mention that Phil had children before marrying (Y/n)'s mom! Their names are Scott and Lj!

"Didn't he said about an app called Pokémon Go, or something?" I recalled. Pittoo nodded.

"She also muttered that she would finally be at level five and can battle or something, she said about beating her mom."

"So what do we do until they return?" I asked grabbing a cup and started to fill water into it. "We can't go through her stuff, she'll be angry and beat us." We both shivered at what happened last time.

"We can see those two anime she kept trying to have us watch." Pittoo suggested.

"You mean Show by Rock! and Boku no Hero Academia?"

"Sure why not?" I shook my head.

"Nah you can watch those by yourself, I've already seen them."

"What!? Since when!?"

"Since (Y/n) first asked me." I smirked at his angry face, he shouldn't underestimate me. Where do you think he got his personality from?

"You little-" He stood up and ran towards me, but I moved out of the way.

"Pittoo we can't destroy the kitchen, and I don't want to fight." I said walking to the table.

"Well I do!!! I'm the only one who knows how you really are! So I know what pisses you off!"

"Oh please, you do know. But you can't since the topic isn't here." I said sitting down on a chair.

"Oh really? Even when I say that I took her first kiss?"

Dark pit's POV

I smirked at Pit's glare. "You didn't know? I'm surprised you haven't kissed her yet." He stood up suddenly and pointed to the backyard.

"Fight now!" I nodded my head. We went outside and got in a fighting stance.

I went first and took a swing with fist at his face, but he moved out of the way and hit me in the gut. I moved back and he advanced forward, moving his fists left and right.

I somehow managed to dodge them all and swinged my fist again, he moved again but when he moved I grabbed his arm and flipped him on his back. He stayed there for a second before getting up on he heels and tackled me.

We rolled around trying to hit each other for what felt like hours before I got kneed. I then felt Pit grab the collar of my shirt.

"What the hell do you mean her first kiss!?" He yelled at me.

"What do you think I mean? We kissed, we both know it was her first. Well you know now." His glare intensified and I felt pain go through my jaw, damn he packs a punch.

I kneed him and he fliched for a moment, perfect for me to kick him off me and start punching his face. After a few fists swong we just started fighting dirty.

It went on for awhile until we both ended on the ground.

"I hate you, once we heal I'm gonna punch you." Pit said panting.

"I'd like to see you try."

"B**ch I just did a few minutes ago."

"Wow, using alot of cussing are we?" He glared at me again and stared at the sky and tree branches. I did the same and felt myself getting sleepy. I closed my eyes and saw everything go black.


"Icarus! Dark!-"

What? I'm tired.

"Wake up damnit!!!"

I felt my eyes open and saw (Y/n) looking at me in worry. "Thank goodness! I thought you died or something!"

"Why the hell would you think that?" I asked getting up, bad idea. I grained in pain, oh yeah I fought Pit-stain.

"Well for one, you're covered in bruises!! And so is Pit!!" She gestured to him, would is still passed out. "What the hell happened!?"

"We got into a fight." I said blankly.


"I got the ice packs!" I turned my head to see Lj. "Here." He handed me one and and put one on Pit's head, making him wake up immediately.

"Cold cold!!!"

"Well that woke him up." (Y/n) giggled.

Me and Pit-stain looked at each other, I'm not gonna lose to him. At least I show my true self, and not pretend to be some shota boy.


Pit:That was fun!

Viridi:I hear footsteps

Dark pit:Crap

Pit:Pit the phone away!!

Viridi:But we have to put this up first

Dark pit:She's here


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