Chapter 10

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Hey guys!! So I have some news! As soon as the chapter in I Fell For a Fallen Angel? ends, I will be publishing three new stories!

One will called Baka Bad Boy a Len Kagamine x reader book, One Of A Kind Heart a Sora x reader book, and That Girl... a four swords x reader book. I might write a male Corrin x reader but that's for another time!

If you guys are excited then I hope you enjoy being with Pittoo!!

Dark pit:Stop calling me that!!



(Y/n) was eating caramels while watching a random detective show that was on with Pittoo in the living room.

"She's gonna kill him." She stated, putting another candy in her mouth.

"Why would she? She's been caught and is gonna be found guilty." Pittoo said. And sure enough, she killed the male.

She laughed very hard at how they showed it. "Call it!" She laughed, tears stinging her eyes from laughing too much.

Pittoo looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "You are weird, your laughing at a person who just got killed by their own child!" He shouted.

But she just continued to laugh. She finally stopped and looked at him. "Well what do you expect? His girlfriend was no older than his daughter, of course she's gonna be jealous and turn yandere! It'd be like if I got a boyfriend who's four years older than me, my dad would make sure he wouldn't have the balls to do anything!"

Pittoo just shook his head, but he perked up at what she muttered under her breath. Probably hoping he wouldn't hear. "But I would never get a boyfriend anyway, so my dad won't have to worry about that."

He looked at her in shock. "Why would you say that?" He asked, she lifted her head to him with surprise on her face.

"Oh well I know it's true! I mean, what kind of guy would want to date a fatass like me." She said with no sadness in her voice, she was blunt but her eyes did look sad.

"Don't say that, you're not fat. You're fine the way you are." He said. He was a bit angry at how she talked about herself.

"Don't lie to me, I know I'm fat. I mean, look at this! Tell me that is not fat!!" She said grabbing her stomach pudge. "Not to mention that because of how fat I am, I have a second chest!" She then grabbed the fat under her chest. "And don't you dare say 'Well that's just cause your big boned' cause that's not true!" She shouted at him.

She stopped and breathed for a second. "The only reason someone would date me is if they were desperate. I know I'm fat, ugly, a weirdo, and-" She said before being interupted by being pushed down on the couch by Pittoo.

"Damnit stop talking sh*t about yourself!!" He yelled, glaring at her. Luckily you two had the house to yourself. (Y/n)'s family went to Phil's parents house but they decided not to go, Pit went with them anyway. Pittoo's wings were out because of that, but they were spread out in a danger like manner.

(Y/n)'s eyes were wide open, staring at him. But he was just looking at her, he was a bit blinded by anger. After processing what just happened, her face turned bright red.

"Dark pit, can you get off of me?" She asked him shyly. He was brought out of his thoughts and looked at position they were in, him pinning her on the couch. He did turn a bit red but didn't move.

"Not until you stop talking about yourself like that." He stated, resting on her.

"Buts it's true!-"

"No its not!! You are perfect the way you are, so stop saying you're not!!" He shouted at her, his face becoming dangerously close and his wings were flapping a little bit.

They stayed in silence for what seemed like hours, staring at each other. She didn't notice, but he was getting closer to her until their lips connected.

Her eyes widen but she then closed them after seeing his eyes already closed. She didn't push into or pull out of the kiss, she didn't what to do. He pulled away when the lack of air hit them, she opened her eyes panting slightly.

"Wh-why did you...?" She trailed off asking, but he didn't answer her. He sat up and placed her in his lap, which cause to let out a surprise speak that he found cute.

His wings moved to push her against him in a dominating way, she shivered at the feathers touching her. Then Pittoo pressed his lips against hers again, but again she didn't move.

He pulled away again, but he rested his head on her shoulder. She shivered again at his hot breath on her skin. "Lets just stay like this for some time, and I did to show you that there are some people that see you as you. You're perfect." He said.

She nodded her head and rested her on his shoulder. Wrapping her arms around him, slowly falling asleep.


I love these kind of chapters/oneshots, short and sweet!

Dark pit:I still can't believe you talk about yourself like that

Me:So what? It's true and-

Dark pit:*grabs me* do I have to shut you up like I did in your other story?

Me:*blush* Um no!! No no!! I'm good, I'll shut up!! *face turns brighter* Anyway I hope you enjoyed this, with that said


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