Chapter 30 (Or so..)

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Hey guys!!! I got bored and had too many things (not bad thank Arceus) happen to me, but they all would make good chapters but I to put all of them into one flashback chapter! Cause I'm super lazy

And I'm actually writing on my computer *gasp* shocking write? (No help from auto correct T-T)

Anyway, enjoy!!!


Your POV

Well so far this winter break has been something. First was Christmas which happened on a Sunday, so I still had school on Christmas week. And after giving the two their presents the two never talked to each other, they seem to be glaring at one another at what happened during Laney's birthday party. But they act like nothing happened when I'm around, I know because Mom told me that the two seemed to be at their worst when I'm gone. But the one thing that stood out to me was what happened on New Year's Eve.

~Flashback (For the rest of the chapter cause again, I'm lazy)~

I was sitting in my room when my mom barged in and asked me to babysit Delaney, and her friend Faye when she came later. Her parents named her after the same Faye from the anime Cowboy Bebop. Mom said she would pay me thirty dollars, to which she did along with twenty from Faye's father. But I soon grew sour from the realization that I was used to play sitter just so she could get drunk with friends at the party that was being held at our house. I growled as Laney once again jumped on me, almost breaking my (glasses or nose) (I wear glasses so I put it for those who don't) again. She laughed and finally got off of me.

'Just deal with it for one more hour.' I thought as I took my headphones off, I then had an idea.

"Hey, want to watch something in my room?" I asked, glaring at my mom who was laughing with friends and, Pit and Pittoo!? Before I could unleash my rage, Laney and Faye dragged me to my room and I put on a random children anime. Something called Kaitou Joker, I don't know. When the hour was up I told them and went outside, to see Christine, one of the adults I get along with the most. Soon we started to talk, while eating her delicious mini cupcakes she made. We talked about random stuff, like what I got for Christmas and soon it turned to the theory I had.

"Your theory?" She asked, I nodded and started to explain.

"Well you see. It seems that almost whenever I cheer for a side in a game, they end up winning. Even people who suck at the game won when I was on their side! It's like I'm some luck goddess." We then started to joke that once I turn eighteen we would go to a casino and win a lot of money. Maybe by playing card games, I'm pretty lucky with Blackjack. We then agreed to be partners for the next Beer Pong game. After the one Pit and Pittoo was playing. I, of course, was cheering for them and they won! But then my mom and Christine appeared on the other side of the table. I did a fake gasp.

"How could you? Well I guess you're gonna lose."

"Pfft. That last game was a fluke on their part." I smirked. My theory may not be true but I know the two angels will win. 

And just as I predicted, on the first turn Pit and Pittoo both made it into the same cup. Taking away two others, giving them the advantage. The two won by four cups. I smirked and joked with Christine about the whole game. My mom came up and asked me say she was the greatest mom ever.

"You're the greatest bitch ever." Of course I always joked like this, I flip off my mom countless of times in a playful manner. She fake gasped and continuously poked my side. She said something to my older brother, who was also slightly drunk, and the next thing I know is that I'm on the ground under my brother. A great pain came to the back my head as my brother got off of me. He was trained to do that, I can't remember his job at the time but I do know it had something to do with the police cause of the uniform he wears. I sat up with tears threatening to fall, my mom gasped for real and ran over to me.

"Are you okay?" She asked worriedly.

"I'm fine." I answered, wiping my eyes from the tears that spilled. The pain in my head worsened and I winced, grabbing my head. I tried to play it off by laughing. "I honestly thought he was just gonna 'squeeze me to death'." I walked to the play structure we had and sat on one of the swings. My mom was yelling at my brother while Pit and Pittoo walked up to me. Pit sat the other swing while Pittoo sat on the ladder that lead to the monkey bars above the swings. 

"Are you okay?" Pit asked.

"And don't you dare lie to to us." Pittoo said as I opened my mouth. I closed my mouth and just smiled at them. I could see Pittoo clenching his fist and Pit frowning. 

"Don't worry, I've felt worse from Drea. That bitch can barely hurt me without me bring the pain back four times worse! I'm like a glass cannon, wait I mean-" I stopped when I heard Pit laughing and Pittoo trying to hold in his own chuckles. I smiled and let out my own giggles.

~Flash back over~



Dark pit:Wow, that only took one hour or so

Viridi:And you didn't take any breaks

Me:Yep! I wanted to get it done as fast as possible! Why are you staring at me like that? *is being looked at suspiciously*

Pit:Who are you and what have you done to Poke-chan!?

Me:Huh? AHH!!!!!! *runs and is being chased* Well I gotta go

SEEYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HEY DON'T SHOOT AT ME WITH YOUR BOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Two Angels (Pit x Reader x Dark pit) *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now