Chapter Forty-Two

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"We are here," Grant said as we pulled into the driveway of Greggory and my mothers wedding.

It was Greggory's infamous mansion. The perfect place for a wedding. I climbed out of the car and walked towards the door with Grant close behind me. Men in suits guided us out to the back yard.

Music filled my ears. There were pink roses everywhere. White chairs were placed on each side of the white runway. There sat an arch at the front and a black baby grand sat off to the side. I sat in the back of Greggory's side so I could sit with Grant. Some people turned and looked but I didn't look up. I looked at my hands in my lap and waited. I am scared.

The music started and the priest and Greggory came into view. The priest gave us our cue to stand and the wedding song began. My mom appeared. She was wearing a white strapless dress and a veil that covered her face. She held pink roses in her hands and kept her eyes on Greggory as she walked towards him. I kept my eyes on her until it was time to sit.

"At this time we would like to ask, Tessa's daughter, Miley to come join us." The priest said. Everyone looked around until they saw me. I looked at Grant and sighed.

I reluctantly stood to my feet and walked towards them. I kept my eyes to myself. I refuse to look at anyone. I was scared that I might see him.

"Miley," my mother said once I was standing next to her. I looked at her and Greggory and rolled my eyes. I don't want to be hear.

"Thank you," Greggory said.

The priest began talking and I zoned out. I stood still and silent. My mind raced, all I could think of is Jason. I know he is here. I can feel him. I can smell him.

"You may kiss the bride," the priest said. I looked at Greggory and my mom as they kissed. Everyone cheered and clapped for them and I just stood there.

Everyone began to walk to the house and I stood there. I want to leave. I don't want to be here anymore.

"We should go into the house," Grant said walking up to me.

"Fine," I sighed. I walked with Greggory into the house and into the large dining room. Grant and I sat at the table in the back.

I am grateful that he didn't say anything. I didn't want to talk and he knew that. We ate and watched as everyone danced and chatted. I wasn't interested and I could tell that no one wanted to come near me or Grant. Thank god.

"Miley," Greggory said walking up to me and Grant. I spoke too soon.

"What?" I asked avoiding his eyes.

"I am happy that you came here." He said sitting in the chair next to me.

"Your mom and I would love if you took some pictures with us and maybe even danced?" He asked. But it didn't completely come across as a question.

"I'm not interested." I shook my head.

"Miley, please?" He pleaded.

"Look, I said I'm not interested." I snapped. A few people looked over at us.

"This room contains a lot of people that love and care about you." He said standing to his feet. "You pushing everyone away isn't fair. We are trying to support you and be in your life."

"I'm not interested," I snapped standing to my feet. "The only reason I am here is because you wouldn't have it any other way. You were going to hunt me down like a fucking dog." I laughed.

"Maybe we should all calm down." Lewis said. I turned around to see him standing there with a soft look on his face.

"Miley," Jon said approaching us.

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