Chapter 13

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When we made it to Trey house Will got him out the car and I got his key from the mailbox and opened the door. I told Will to put him on the couch. He put him down and got ready to leave.

"Ight Mickie I'm bout to go in going back to the trap." he said coming over to me. I was at the island watching he put him down.

"Will I might need you so can you stay with me for a few?" I asked him

"You know I got chu ghost" he said going to Treys fridge and got some juice out, then looked in the cabinets and got some lays potato chips and sat at the island with me.

"So why we let this nigga Go again?" he asked drinking the juice from the carton then stuffing some chips in his mouth.

"Because of his brother." he looked at me like I was crazy.

"You going soft on me ghost?"

I suck my teeth "Man ain't nobody getting soft I just know how it feel to lose the only person providing for you and your only real father figure.. The shit ain't fun Will. And he younger than I was too so yeah."

He nodded while stuffing his face looking at Trey. "I mean can I at least cut the little nigga. He did kill King and he was like a son to me and shit.. that's why I gotta make sure his "daughter" is good at all times." he said nudging me as he said daughter.

I smiled at him but it quickly when away as I remembered the way my brother left me. I looked at Trey and started second guessing myself. He killed my brother and I'm just gon' let it go? Nah he gon' get his. but not now. He'll die when he'll least except it.

Trey started to stir in his sleep letting me know that he was about to wake up. He sat up and groaned running his head he looked up and back down at his couch.

"How the hell?" he said to himself outloud.

"Wassup?" I asked him while Will smacked on some chips and drunk some more chip. He jump off his couch and looked at us.

"What the fuck?" he said

"I let you go..." I told him

"How you get in" he asked

"Mailbox key" I told him

"Oh yeah I forgot about that.." he said looking around.

I got up ready to leave and Will followed me to the door with the juice and chips.

"Ight Trey I'm out tell Terry I said wassup and to be good." I said walking out the door.

"Ight take it easy..... Ghost" he said closing the door I nodded and walked to my car.

"Stay out my way.... T.K" I said getting in my car and turning on the radio. I waited for Will to get in and started back to the trap.

Todd's P.O.V

"Ion think M.J would do that I mean it's just not in her nature." Mani told us. We were sitting here in Jamie's office still talking about This M.J situation.

"I know I ain't know her as long as y'all and shit but I gotta agree with Mani. Ion think she would be on some unfaithful shit. Especially after that shit with Trey. It don't make sense to get out of one relationship to do the same dirty shit someone else did to you in a different one."
I'm really upset by my decisions earlier. Ionno why I ain't just respect her choices not to tell us. She do shit for us that we don't even know about but we still treated her like shit. Now I feel like shit.

"Yeah Jamie that don't make sense. We never know who she promised not to tell. It could be her mom or King. Shit it could have been her Damn self and we still should have respected that.. Now I could lose my best friend." Mani said.

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