Chapter 17: Love No Soul

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"I'm gonna have to ask you to leave leave so we can do our job ma'am." this ugly ass nurse told me.

"What chu mean leave. I got her to come back. If y'all was doing y'all gotdamn job in the first place we wouldn't be having this issue." I told her pushing her out of the way.

She tried to get me to come back and wait but, I wasn't having that. I should get that fucking doctor fired. How I bring Mani back without all that shit they use in here. Don't make no since.

I pushed to door open and sat down watching them put all type of stuff in her. They put an oxygen mask on her to help her breathing. She didn't wake up, but her heart beat was there. I could see and hear it from the machine. She was not going to flat line. Not while I'm in here.

When they left I just watched the screen. Nothing but that line moving mattered at that moment. The I remembered who I left down in the lobby. I pressed the emergency button on the bed without taking my eyes off the screen.

A nurse came running in and immediately went over to Mani.

"I need you to do something for me." I said to her still watching the line move.

"Okay, yeah, sure." she said in a rush.

Go down to the lobby. Tell Killa and the two guys with him to get up here.. Do you know who Killa is?"

"Yeah yeah I know him. Yup."

"Good, tell them what room to come to don't answer any questions. Just walk away. Got it? Get it? Good."

She runs out the room and 5 minutes later the guys come in.

They sit down and watch me. But I don't look at them, I just watch the screen.

"I thought-" Jamie started

"I brought her back" I said cutting him off.

"H-" J.B started

"Doesn't matter" I told him.

They shut up and watched me watch the screen.

"I'm sorry" Jamie and J.B said at the same time.
I ignored them.

"Why are you sorry?" J.B asked Jamie.

"I didn't trust her. Why are you sorry?"

"I didn't know she... Ghost... I thought.." he said stuttering.

"If you can't talk without stuttering don't talk at all." I told him.

"Mudda I don't know who-"

"Nah I know exactly who I'm talking to. I'm to talking to the brother I thought I lost. I'm talking to the man I used to look at as a father. I'm talking to the dude who assumed I'd let somebody take his spot without a fight. I'm talking to the bitch made nigga who faked his death instead of handling his problems like a man. I know exactly who I'm talking to. Its you who got shit fucked up." I said without yelling.

Nobody said anything. The only sound made was the beeping of the machine and breathing.

"I don't give a fuck about your sorrys... The two most important men in my life think I'm a snake. When have I ever gave you the impression that I was playing games? I shouldn't have to be the bigger person if I ain't do shit wrong.. Shit if it was up to me all y'all including Mani would be cut the fuck off." I said in a dead tone.

"I talk to my momma today. I'm going to see her tomorrow." Todd told me.

"That's good tell moms I said wassup" still not looking at any of them

"Will do."

"It's real disrespectful not to look at people when you talk to them." J.B said

"And you saying this like I give a fuck."

"I'm real tired of yo mouth man." he said with a chuckle.

"And you saying this like a give a fuck." I repeated.

He stood up. I motioned my head over to J.B so the guys could make him sit back down. They did as expected. I nodded as a thank you. And spoke to J.B

"King, King, King." I said shaking my head. "You know you have to give respect to get respect. Just because I'm yo sister don't make that change. You of all people should no this."

"Don't call me that Mudda. You asking for it."

"Is there something I didn't make clear? You so much as touch me the wrong way I'll end up like dear ol' dad. Shit as far as I'm concerned my brother died that day at the park, and I'm still greaving."

"M.J. you taking this too far." Jamie said to me.

"I'm breaking up with you. I'm done Killa. Fuck you and Fuck my love for you. Shit that's how you felt when you couldn't trust my word right? Well that's how I fell now." he grabbed my chin and made me look at him.

M.J would have gave into them eyes but I'm not M.J I'm Ghost and Ghost loves no soul but her own.

"Todd" I said mentally telling him to get him off me. He pulled him off my without him resisting

I stood up and stretched then turn to look at Mani.

"Todd call Jamal and Jaqon and tell them I need to talk to them about some serious problems. Tell them I got my memory now that I do we have some things to discuss. Don't answer any questions Just call them, tell, hang up. Y'all need to be there to main trap." I turned to King. "All of you." I said looking him straight in the eye. He nodded and checked something on his phone.

I turned to walk out but Jamie pulled me into him hugging me. I didn't hug him back. Hmm deja vu.

"I'm sorry M.J. please don't do this. I love you so much. I can't lose you. Not again" he said. I pulled away from him and smiled up at him.

"Lose me? Baby you lost me along time ago." I said. I kissed his lips for 3 seconds letting it linger. I smiled a him again and walked away. I knew my eyes turned blue when he hugged me and I knew he saw them cause I was looking straight at him. I was M.J again and M.J needed that last kiss goodbye.


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