Chapter 24: It's Yours

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"You've all been slacking off on your work. I expect more" our first period teacher said. Jamie, Todd, Mani, and I came in early to try and make up all the work we've missed.

"We know, that's why we're here to try and make it up. You know we would've done all the work of we didn't have something going on at home. We just been distracted." I told her trying to reason with her.

"What you have going on at home doesn't give you the excuse to bring your mess in school." she said.

"I understand that be if we're trying to make it up then we've obviously realized our mistakes and we're trying to do better. All you have to do is give us a chance." I told her basically pleading with her.

"Fine" she said sighing, getting up from her desk. We all sighed in relief.

When she came back she dropped 4 packets of work on her desk.

"Have this in my hand by next Friday or I'm gonna be forced to give you a grade on the stuff I have now. And you all are still going to have to your class work on top of this." she said to us.

"Thank you Mrs. B I really appreciate this." I said giving her my best smile. She smiled back and shook her head telling us to go. Now all we had to is get the rest of our teacher to agree.

After getting all our teacher to agree I didn't feel like going to class. I did all the talking since they said that I'm the most "persuasive". I just wanna go home and take a quick nap.

"Come on its almost time for first period and we can't be late or its going to make us looked bad." Mani said running to our first class with all of us behind her.

We made it 30 seconds before the bell. Thank God.

Mrs. B gave us free time since she had to start on grades. I took out the packet she gave us and started it.

Looking through it I split it into three sections: Short, Medium, Long.

There was 25 pages. 5 Long things. 7 medium, and 13 short things. I started on the things that would take the longest.

After finishing those I got thru about 4 medium pages before the bell rang. Getting all my papers together I put them in my folder, waited for the guys get ready and we went to our next class.

Nothing else really happened today at school. All of the teacher have us free time so we were just working on our packets from each class. Jamie drove us to my house. We went to the table and started to try and finish all our work.

"Wait wait wait. This is stupid. If we all got the same shit why don't we just split the work then copy what everybody else did on our papers." Jamie said.

We looked at each other and smiled. This was gonna be easy.

"Okay we'll do that. But we can't hand our papers in all together on the same day it'll look suspicious." Mani said.

"Okay we'll just hand our work in on different days to different teachers." I told her.

We agreed to tell each other when we would hand work in and to what teacher.

After about 3 hours we were done. Everyone decided to just stay over since we were all tired.

Mani and Todd went to the room furthest away from mine while me and Jamie went to mine.

After I took my shower Jamie went in.

When he got out I was still lotioning up in bra and panties. He came out with only boxers on and water dripping from his chest.

I couldn't help but stare.

I guess he saw me because he came over and softly pushed me on the bed so I was laying down.

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