Chapter 23: Fuck You

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"Y'all ready to end this nigga?" Todd asked everyone in the room.

The was the gang, Jamie, Todd, Jamal, Jaqon, J.B, Trey, and me.

I let Trey come because he asked but I won't let him take his gang with us.

"Hell yeah." everybody said.

"Look not everybody coming with us. Jason, Spook, Trigga, Allen, Dream, Hitta, and Will. Y'all not coming." I said strapping my bullet prof vest on. "Anybody that don't want to go. Do have too I'm not making y'all go." I told them putting my glock in my waistband.

"So we don't have a choice? What if I wanted to come and help you?" Will said. I was not about to let him come with me. No. Not a chance.

"Yeah what if we wanted to help you?" Trigga said agreeing with Will.

"Look y'all got kids to take care of I will not let them be fatherless."

"We risk our lives everyday fucking with this shit. Today ain't no different." Dream said putting his vest on and strapping a machine gun over his shoulder.

"You risking your lives on the block and risking your lives in a war are two very different things."

"How? We could get gunned down either way. This shit is not different" Jason said strapping up.

"Just like you not making us go. You not making us stay either. And whether you like it of not ma we going." Hitta said pulling a ski mask over his face along with ever one else.

"We loyal to you Ghost. We not about to let you do this shit by you self." Spook said screwing his silencer over his gun.

"Besides. Who gon' pay us if you die?" Allen said smirking at me. I playfully glared at him and punched his chest making him him cough and rub the spot I hit him in while frowning at me.

"One time for Ghost!" Trey yelled pointing his gun up in the air and pulling the trigger making a small pew sound.

"One time for Ghost!" everybody yelled doing the same thing Trey did.

I smiled and turned to Will.

"Please don't get yourself hurt." I said looking up at him.

"Girl I'm a grown ass man I can take care of myself." he said while throwing his arm over my shoulder.

"I'm just saying. Ion want cho old ass to break your hip or something." I said smirking.

"Lil Girl!" he said pushing me away from him, chuckling.

I chuckled and looked around. My eyes landed on J.B.

I just realised that they never got to talk to each other.

"Will.." I whispered to him while poking his side.

"What?" whispered back.

"Did you talk to J.B yet?" I asked the question I already knew the answer to.

"No. Why?" he said looking at me.

"I think you guys should talk before we go." I said looked over at J.B again.

He looked where I was looking and sighed. He went over to King and made a motion for him to follow him.

They left the room and went somewhere else. While I focused on making sure everyone and everything was set.

"Y'all ready?" I whispered to everybody. They nodded in return.

"Listen I don't want any casualties today. So make sure y'all stay allert and focused at all times. Make sure to have each other back if needed. And most of all make sure eveybody in this bitch dies. On my count... 1.. 2... 3."

We busted through the front door letting bullets fly. Lighting up everything that moved. Me, King, Killa, Smoke(Todd), Will, and Allen took up the stairs to the top floor. T.K, Trigga, James, Gunna, Spook, Jason, and Black took the second floor and everybody else was on the main floor.

"It's six rooms on this floor. Everybody get a room and light that shit up!" I said running to the room at the end of the hall.

All you could here was gun shots.

I kicking the door in I shot everybody in the room. I spotted Danny going into a room behind his desk. After everyone in the room was dead. I ran after him.

Opening the door I walked in the finding nothing but dresser there. I walked back out and stood at the doorway looking at the dresser. Everybody started to pile up in the huge room.

"Did you find him Ghost?" Somebody asked.

Putting up my hand tell them to be quite, I slowly walked back in the room and stood in front of the dresser while taking my mask off.

I kicked the dresser over and found I door behind it. I looked at King and motioned for him to come.

We moved the dresser and he kick the door open. It led to another room.

There was only a closed door in the room opening the I was met with the sound of a gun shot. I fell when It hit me in my chest. But thanks to my bullet proof vest it only felt like someone punched me in me chest. Before he could shor again King shot his hand causing his to drop it and scream in pain.

I got up as King dragged him to the room where everybody else was and sat him in his chair while handcuffing him to it.

"Come on M.J we both know you're not gonna kill me." he said relaxing his head on the back of the chair.

"I'm your father why would you kill me?" he added while smiling. I shot him in his knee. I just wanted him feel some pain before I killed him.

I watched with an emotionless face as he screamed.

"Why do you want me dead? Why do you hate me so much. Is it because J.B loves me more than he loved you?" I asked him tilting my head to the side.

"Fuck you! You kill my son! You killed your flesh and blood. You killed my only son!" he screamed at me.

I sighed putting all my weight on one leg, folding my arms and giving him a bored look.

"J.B's not dead." I told him.

"Don't lie bitch I saw him. I saw him get put 6 feet under because of you!" He spat.

I looked at King and nodded telling to take his mask off. He did as told and stood next to me. Danny gasped as tears clouded his eyes.

"Son! Son help me! She's trying to kill me. I didn't do anything wrong! Please help me." He screamed at King.

He walked over the Danny and punched him in his jaw making him scream in pain.

"Shut the fuck up that screaming!" I said shooting him in the same knee as before.

"I'm sorry please don't kill me I'm so sorry." he pleaded.

I went over and kicked his chair to the floor causing him to scream in pain again. I heard a cracking sound as his the chair hit the floor. I think he broke something. Oh well.

"Fuck you and bitch who birthed you! Fuck you and the sperm to made me with. Fuck you and yo bitch ass sorry! Fuck you and the hell I hope you rot in." I told his while taking my silencer off. BOP! BOP! BOP! Three shots to the head.

"Let's go! Go! Burn This Shit Down!" I said I said walking out the room and out the building.

Getting in the passenger side of the truck we came in I waited for everybody to get back.

Once everyone was settled in we made our way back to the trap.

I watched the house burn up in flames through the side mirror and smiled.

'Goodbye Father' I thought 'Hope you have a nice ride to hell. Tell Grandma I said hi' I smiled at the thought. She died 3 weeks ago. She tried to kill me once she found out Danny "died".

'FUCK You' I thought and mentally gave her and Danny my ass to kiss.

Sorry for any and all mistakes.

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