Chapter 20

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"M.J tell them to stop looking at me like that.." King whispered over to me.

So now that everybody is good. The meeting is back on.

Everyone from GhostFace is here including Jamie, Todd, and Mani even if she not really apart of it. Will didn't came tho he ain't want to see King yet.

Jamal and Jaqon are still here. They're still pretty upset with King. I'm kinda over it. Even tho I can see myself bringing up the fact in future arguments.

I looked over at everyone and they had this mean mug on there faces. I chuckled and stood up. Everyone's attention came on me.

"Everyone with Updates stand." I said a serious tone.

Four guys stood up. Pointing to one of the guys I told him to speak.

"The truck was registered to a Malik Diamond Jr. He goes by M.J." he said I chuckled at the last part and looked at Mani to see her trying to hold in her laugh. Todd coughed to cover his, while Jamal and Jaqon were having a silent conversation with there eyes and slapped there knees and laughed so hard that no sound came out.

I cleared my throat and sent all of them a mean look making them stop.
I wasn't really paying attention to King and Killa.

"He's in a gang. There leaders name is T.K." this made the laughter start up again. I couldn't help but laugh either. Me, Mani, and Todd were on the floor.

I stood up at looked at them with smile. I put a finger up and took out my phone to call Trey. As it rung I put the phone on speaker.


"Wassup T.K how you and ya brother?"

"We good and you."

"I'm fine but I got a little problem. You know somebody by the name of M.J"

"Uhh is this a trick question?"

"Not her stupid. Somebody in ya gang."

"Oh! Uh yeah why? How you know him? What he do?" he said in a rush

"You remember that truck incident?"

"Yeah how could I forget?" he said with a chuckle. I smiled a little.

"Yeah well the truck was in his name and.."


"Aww you did care" in a fake soft voice

"What are you talking about it course I cared.."

"Aye Aye Aye fuck all that I just need to talk to M.J" I heard him snicker through the phone causing Mani and them to laugh to.

"Ight you want to talk through the phone or in person?"

"In person I'm coming to get him and I want you to come too."

"What Nooo I don't want to." he said whinning.

"Sucks to be you then." I told him

"Am I in trouble?" he asked in a whisper causing everybody to snicker.

"Something like that."

"Uuuggghhh I don't want to come." he said sounding like a kid.

"Bye nigga" I said hanging up.

"Mani, Todd, Jamal and Jaqon. Lets go. Everybody else sit tight." I said leaving.

"Wait!" heard two voices say?

"What?" I said turning around to see King And Jamie standing... Of course.

"I want-" King started

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