A Creature

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I walked through the messy and hard ground of the woods. The free sticks and pebbles stuck into the soles of my feet but I've long since been used to the sensation by now. That's saying something when your only a five-year-old living on your own. But, I guess that's just the way life is at the moment.

The river up head seemed to come into view, its waves rippling over each other in a furry. The sun shines down on me heavily, making this walk seem a lot harder than it should be.

I made a cup with my hands and scooped up as much water as possible, not caring about the bears and other animal's that would do their business in the same water that I was drinking. In my position, anything you can get your hands on is a given pleasure.

Behind me, a long make-shift spear laid against a tree. That's what I would use to catch myself a hunt for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I've long since grown accustomed to it; being alone for four and a half years can really drain the life out of someone. But, I've grown accustomed to it since it was my daily routine and I loved it here even though it's clearly not up to raising children standards.

My stomach growled angrily, my insides clutching at the lack of food. I don't go hunting often, only when necessary. To me, killing the poor creatures of the forest is truly a crime and I always hated doing it. But, food is good. It's either that or go starve yourself.

I picked up the spear by the tree and squeezed it tightly in my hands. My breath slowed down until I was breathing evenly, making sure that nothing would be able to hear me coming.

Placing one foot after the other, I made my way towards a large section of trees. This is where most animals go to hide from plain sight. Of course, I know this from my years of experience.

I was now surrounded fully by trees and bushes. The vines hung dangerously low and the grass tickled my bare feet at each step I took. I made absolutely no sound, hunting out prey like I was the predator which, in a way, is kinda true.

The bushes rustled up ahead. I stopped in my tracks, waiting for the poor little animal to cross my path. My spear was held high above my head, ready to attack whatever the thing was.

The bush was small; small enough to house a small animal like a bunny. Too small, however, to hold something ferocious like a bear. I slowly crept towards the now unmoving bush, my eyes locked onto its leaves just in case the mammal tries to run away.

Suddenly, something lashed out at me. I fell backward in a heap but as soon as my back touched the ground, I was up again and hurriedly climbing the closest tree, spear in hand. What I saw was only a blur but I could distinctively make out two colors.

Black and blue.

My eyes were still watery from the close impact so I furiously rubbed them with my free hand. While I was busy, the sound of the wind being pushed was heard. I couldn't tell what it was but there was a large gust of wind hitting my face. I could smell the putrid blood radiating off of it.

I opened my eyes once again to find everything blurry. Looking around, my surroundings were the same except for one distinct change. There was something large and unnatural looking sitting directly in front of me.

I stared it down for quite some time, daring it to move even an inch. The being did the same for me, unmoving from its spot. My eyes gradually cleared as everything came into view.

I was staring directly into the dangerous eyes of a monster. It's skin - scales - were pure black with a magical blue lining running down its side. It stood too tall for me to count, standing high above the trees without having the need to even flap its wings that were securely hidden behind its back.

To say that I was absolutely terrified was an understatement. This thing scared me to wit's end but at the same time, it was truly breath-taking. I sat stock still, memorized by the beautiful creature that stood tall before me.

"Who are you?" Its commanding voice sent chills down my spine. I immediately spoke but not out of fear. Its voice had so much authority to it that it was hard not to listen.

"M-my name is L-Lucy. M-may I ask y-your name?"

He stared directly into my eyes, seemingly seeing straight into my soul. I probably didn't react the way he thought I was going to. How could I?! He was the most amazing creature I've ever seen in my five years of life.

"Acnologia." So that's its name. What a fitting title for a creature so grand as himself. Without knowing it, there was a huge smile plastered on my face. The outstanding being before me slightly took a step back. Was it surprised? I'm the one who should feel surprised, I just found him sitting here in the forest while hunting!


I completely forgot that I was supposed to be scrounging for food. Great, now I have stomach pains all because I had to stop everything I was doing because of this creature. Well, at least something came out of it. I at least learned its name. That's gotta count for something, right?

Hanging my head down in shame, my stomach grumbled once more. Now because of all the noise he's caused with his loud voice, all of the animals probably scurried off and away from here! I can't possibly eat him because he's too magnificent to do so.

Suddenly, I was being picked up high into the air. Under me was a large clawed hand lifting me. I held on tightly, afraid for my life until I came face to face with the strange entity.

"Are you hungry dear child?"

"Y-yes, I am!" I furiously nodded my head, more nervous about what it was going to do than anything else.

From behind the creature, it's wings sprouted from its back, the blue lining beautifully decorating every inch of him. Just staring at his scales seemed to calm my nerves down. They didn't start up again, even after he picked me up and began to fly away.

"Do you understand what I am?"

The wind was harshly picking up but I still could hear him clear as day. I shook my head, not understanding the situation that I've gotten myself into.

"I have no clue mister but I also don't care. To me, everyone's the same. No matter if we have different body structures or different ways of thinking, we're all still the same at the end of the day."

I spoke to him while laying back into its hand. There was a grumble erupting from its chest. I don't know if that was a hearty laugh or a different thing entirely.

"I'm going to like having you around."

I didn't know what that meant but I honestly didn't care. The only thing running through my mind at the moment was:

I'm too hungry for this.

Acnologia LucyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora