GMG Day 4

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A soft light seeped into my eyelids as I stirred a bit. Feeling something soft under me, I made out that there was a bed under me in which I was currently laying under. The last thing I remembered was seeing a man with black and white hair that I was chasing after. Afterwards, my memories are blank.

Opening my eyes slowly, I made out the familiar ceiling that I have been sleeping under for the past three days. Sitting up, I felt a soft and yet heavy, warm thing on top of my legs, above the sheets I laid under.

Stirring in her own sleep, Nyx had woken up, only to stare at me with tired eyes. We stayed like that for a while, just having a staring contest in out tired states. It wasn't until I looked away only to see another all of red fluff laying next to her did she tell out in an alarming rate.

"Lucy, you're awake! What happened when you left the stadium!? Why were you outside of the building, sleeping on the ground with a huge red bump on your head!? Did anyone else see you like that!? Oh no, our reputation is ruined! Because you were smiling so creepily in your sleep, out guild is going to be so embarrassed if anyone saw!"

"First of, I'm fine. Thank you for asking." She continued her ramblings, waking up the sleeping exceed next to her. He died his eyes tiredly and turned my way. Once again, there was another staring contest with a background noise. It wasn't until he spoke did I grow embarrassed.

"You have some nasty bed head Lucy." I blushed and began to pat down my unruly white hair.

"You know, we have to get back to the stadium. They're about to start the games." I looked back down to my hair and came to a conclusion. After that humiliating scene from last night, I think it's time for a new me.

"You guys go on ahead, I have something to take care of. I'll meet you two there with everyone else, alright?"

"Sure. Just don't look like an idiot while doing it." I smiled sheepishly at Nyx's remark. Growing out her black wings, she picked up the still tired Lector and flew towards the awaiting stadium. With them out of sight, I trudged into the bathroom to do what I was planning.


I walked into the stadium and into the stands were my current team was. My hair swished in its blue ponytail holder. My brown, thigh high boots clicked on the ground, gaining stares from every direction. My bracelet that was placed on my right hand did not hide my Sabertooth insignia.

Finally making it to my destination, my team turned their heads my way, dumbfounded expressions plastering their face. I smiled gently at them, my still red but blurry eyes squinting in the bright light that the day was giving.

"What did you do to your hair!?" Sting was the first to speak. I grabbed a strand of my now blond hair and held it up to eye level. "I dyed it." I spoke with a shrug, not understanding his confusion.

"Now you look like my sister but with red eyes!" I didn't really think about the changes to my hair all the way through but it doesn't matter at the moment. It's already been done and I don't plan on reversing it anytime soon.

"Your clothes, their...more...colorful than usual." I smiled at Rouge, squinting a bit so I can see him better. Nyx flew up to eye level and seemed to stare deep into my soul, which I can never tell if she really can or not.

"You're going blind again, aren't you?" I slowly shook my head yes. I magic seemed to be wearing off and I was going to have to wait a whole month to use it for my eyes again.

"How are you going to fight if your blind!?"

"Sting, don't yell so loudly. People might hear you and take advantage of this information." He calmed his voice and hunched his back as if that would make him seem quieter.

"You guys are overreacting. I can still fight when the time comes. Don't forget, I have better senses than most dragon slayers do." The blurriness seemed to be growing by the second. In only a few more minutes, I would be completely blind.

"Well, while you were passed out and we were busy helping you, it seems that the scores changed. We missed four battles and one of the teams dropped out of the games.

Looking at the scoreboard at the top, I noticed how Fairy Tail rised in the ranks and were now third place. That puppy team was nowhere to be seen so I'm guessing that they're the ones who left.

"Wow. The stuff you miss while sleeping." With a sigh, the announcer spoke, the start of the fourth day beginning.

"Now that I have everyone's attention, I have an announcement to make." The conversations going around had became silent and thick tension filled the air. "There will be no GMG Day 5. After today, this is where we announce who the number one guild in fire is. Now be prepared. Today will consist of two games and one last battle between the top two guild's. Everyone, have fun~kabo!"

The first battle of the day was called train run. From the name, I had a guess about what it could be. Sting quickly volunteered, not knowing what could happen. Now there were two dragon slayers on top of the unmoving trains and three other people.

"Now, the goal of this game is to reach the end first while on top of these moving trains. Have fun~kabo!"

I knew it. There idiots down there get nauseous when in, on top, or even watching vehicles. Motion sickness is their worst enemy. I have a feeling that they aren't going to make it out of this one as the champions.

I laughed silently to myself, my vision going completely dark.

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