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After the events that had happened with that idiotic job request, everyone from my team had went home, excluding me since I wanted to wonder around for a bit.

I was currently strong the streets of Magnolia, my resume scanning over every bit of colorful detail that this place had to offer. People were walking around and sightseeing, either hand in hand or content with being on their own. The stand that lined the streets held many items that caught my eye. My stomach growled at the thought of finally grubbing down on something delicious.

"Hey Luce!" A pink haired boy came running m way from down the street. His cloak-like shirt was flapping in the wind behind him. His hand was raised and was furiously waving my way. A bright smile broke out on his face and his eyes were wide with wonder. "I thought you went home with the rest of your team. What're you still doing here?"

"I just wanted to look around. I haven't been here in a while so I wanted to see how things changed."

"Was that suppose to be a joke? Espically when the last time you were here, you were blind as a bat." I can't believe this. Natsu Dragneel has somehow made a point. Has he been learning things since I've last been here? "About that! How come you're not blind anymore? Was it some kind of miracle or something? Was it just bade luck that you were blind or was it cause some bad guy put some bad juju on you?"

"Actually, it was because of Ace." He stared at me quizzically, he eyes questioning where I was going with this. "He's the one with blackish-blue hair and honey comb eyes. He's an aether dragon slayer."


"It's a form of life magic. Because of that, he cured me from my disability. There was a catch though."

"What is it?"

"I only have a few more months before I go back to how I was before. I don't know the exact date but I couldn't care less. Right now, I plan on living life to its fullest. I'll have so much fun and take in many beautiful things that life and happiness will probably get sick of me." I spoke with a toothy grin plastered onto my face. I turned to look at Natsu only to see him looking back at me the same way, with a light blush dusting his cheeks.

"You're awesome Lucy. I wouldn't know what to do if I were in your situation."

"I think you'll be doing the same thing that I am. We're both adventurous and like a thrill."

"From our short time together, it's like you know me better than anyone else."

"What can I say, it's what I do."

We continued walking down the streets of Magnolia, somehow becoming hand in hand. It felt comfortable to be this close to him. His heat from his dragon slayer magic surged throughout is hand and into my body. It felt different but nice, totally different from being held by Ace. His was pure while Natsu's was field with passion. Where his passion was coming from, I'll never know.

Looking up, the sky was beginning to darken a considerable amount. I haven't even guessed that we would be out here for so long. Everything just felt right with him, like nothing in the universe could go wrong. It then again, with magic like ours, something is bound to go horribly wrong.

"Natsu, look. I better get going now. Don't want anyone to worry about me."

"I'll take you back."

"I'm going by train. Are you sure you can handle it?" With the mention of the vehicle, his face parked a considerable amount. His eyes were dazed and his cheeks begun to get puffy. Looking closely, I could've sworn that his face was showing a green tint to it.

"I've got a better idea than that!" He placed his hands over his mouth and called out a name. "Happy!"

"Aye sir!"

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