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"Hello people if Magnolia. Welcome to day 2 of the GMG's. Today, we have a special guest with us. Please introduce yourself."

"Don't mind if I do. Hello everyone, my name is Lucy Yakshini from Sabertooth. It's awesome to be here today. I heard for this day, it's just battles between the opponent's. Am I correct?"

"Very much so. I cannot wait to see what's in stored for us today."

"Me neither!"

I watched quietly from up top of the stands to watch everyone. This could prove useful as to what everyone's magics are.

"Today is simple. We will call one person from two teams only and they will battle each other until one loses or the time runs out. Each battle is 10 minutes each so I advised that the players end them quickly."

Everyone turned towards their own teams.

"Now, let's see who's up first!"

"Flare from Raven Tail and Elfman from Fairy Tail team A."

The two walked down from their platforms and stood on the center of the ground, facing each other.

"Who do you think will come out on top Lucy?"

"I don't really know but I can tell you one thing, I'm really looking forward to this."

"Aren't we all."

I smiled to myself and turned my attention back towards the battle before me.

Elfman used his magic and turned into some kind of beast.

Takeover. Interesting.

He charged towards Flare and swung, which caused her to jump upwards to avoid being hit. Another hit from him caused her to block his attack with her bright orangey-red hair. It stretched out around him and rapped him up.

Elfman Pov

What's with her hair? She should be a real man and cut it all of. I raised my arms above my head and smashed down on her hair repeatedly.

"My hair is magnificent you monster so stop that!"

"It's always about hair with you. Be a real man already, like me."

"How can I be a man when I'm a women you idiot!"

She threw me across the ground to the other side of the stadium. A sharp pain shot up through my spine but I ignored it as I stood up.

I looked up to see her hair coming at me from above so I dodged to my left only to see another section of her hair coming at me from that angle. There was no where left to run so I was captured again.

From inside of the suffocating hit, I could hear the announcers talking.

Lucy's Pov

"This battle will be ending in 59 seconds. I have a feeling that a certain red head might win."

"Are you sure about that. Elfman is promising to. You know what they say, don't judge a book by it's cover."

Everyone from the stands were watching intently. I prayed silently.

You can do this Elfman.

Suddenly, Flare stopped beating Elfman on the ground, giving him a chance. He grabbed two fist fulls of her hair and yanked her towards him. When they were close enough, he landed a right hook to her face, sending her flying back.

"It isn't manly to hit a girl but to win, I'll do whatever it takes."

I giggled silently to myself as I watched him run towards her with only ten seconds left in the clock. If he punches her into a knock out, he wins.

The citizens from the stands were yelling out the numbers on the clock at Elfman drew closer.


A surge of power slipped through the air. I couldn't tell what it was.


At the last second, Elfman dropped towards the ground and passed out. What just happened.

The buzzer beeped, saying that time was up.

"It seems the winner for today is...Flare from Raven Tail~kabo!"

Cheers erupted from all over the stadium. How can this be?

"It seems as though I was right, wasn't I?"

"I guess so, but don't look down on him. He was amazing out there OK. I bet he still can suprise all of us."

With that, the first battle had ended with Raven Tail's win.

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