Mind Games (Part 3)

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The two people running throughout the hallways were furiously dodging spoons, forks, knives, sporks, trays, cups, pans, and the occasional chair while being lost inside of massive hallways that the abandon mission has provided them.

One lone male seemed to be running throughout multiple cages to get away from the naked, blind monster that was set on eating him, alive or not. The male, being as weak as he was at the moment, silently stood still to hide himself from the beast.

One male and exceed female were running up and down multiple sets of stairs that led to nowhere as they were also running away from a Frankenstein monster that the male has accidently awakened from its sleep.

Not one of these five people new exactly what to do in these situations. All that took control of their minds were running away from whatever's chasing them. It woukdve stayed this same way until they were caught or worse. That is, until a certain something happened.

A bright light had caught each of them off guard as they weren't paying attention at all. Truth be told, it was quite lucky that thus has happened. The two dragon slayers were growing tired as they were running and their reflex's in dodging the kitchen supplies were slower than usual. The lone boy was cornered now that the beast has found him. The human exceed and male were running down a set of stairs and the beast almost had the two in its clutches.

Once the bright light came, however, Ace shielded Lucy with his body as the floating objects all dropped in their spots. Rouge blocked his face with his hands as the light began to burn the naked monster as though it were on fire. Sting held Nyx in his arms to protect her from getting injured on the stairs or with the unknown light that seemed to pull apart the Frankenstein thing.

One thing in common, however, was that not one of them kept their eyes opened long enough to understand what was happening. It all came as a shock the the group as the all somehow wounded up in a guild. Not just any guild though. This was a special one.

"Are you guys alright?!"

*Lucy's POV*

"How are we in Fairy Tail!?" I could hear Sting yelling out from inside of Ace's arms. Slowly, I poked my head out to see what was happening.

The first thing I saw was a small blue haired girl with her hair in a yellow bandana and an orange dress. Next to her was a red-handed girl wearing armor and a skirt. Right beside the two was a pink haired boy. I couldn't see the rest of him because of the arm that was blocking the rest of my view but I didn't need to see him to understand who it was.


"Hey Luce! How's it going?!"

"How are we here?!" Nyx had demanded as she freed herself from Sting's grip. I did the same because I was just as curious as she was.

"I can answer that one." The blue haired girl had stepped up and pointed to herself with her thumb. Two men behind her began dancing and cheering her on. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Just how weird can Fairy Tail get?

"You see, your friends over here had bought this issue upon us since no one at your guild new exactly what to do." She spoke while pointing at Lector, Frosch, and Yobu who were all hugging their bestest of friends at the moment. She then held up the paper that started all this in the first place. "Reading this over, I realized that it was in a different language. It's actually a spell of some sort. There's one specific word in here that took you guys away from your guild. It was the word transportation. It was what teleported you guys to wherever you were."

From the corner of my paste, I could see Nyx slap a had over her head in embarrassment for what she didn't understand. She should just be lucky that Sting was to preoccupied to cal her out on it.

"How did you get us out of there?" Ace had asked from right beside me.

"With these." She held up a pair of red glasses with her hand. They didn't look any different from a normal pair of glasses but I could smell the magical energy radiating off of it. "With these bad boys, I can read anything that you give me ridiculously fast. That helps out when I was searching for a way to reverse the spell. When I did reverse it, it sent you guys here. Your welcome by the way."

I smiled and stood up to hug the girl. She was shocked for a few seconds but replied back with a hug of her own.

"Do you mind if I use those glasses some time. That could help us out a lot."

"I don't mind!"

"Luce, what happened to you guys?" Natsu eyed our clothes. Ace and mines were torn and ripped but not enough to be classified as naked like the black haired boy beside him. Nyx and Sting were out of breath for some reason and Rouge was just stuck in shock.

"Do you guys know where we went?"

"Yeah. The spell transfers the person to a nightmare of theirs. Whatever scared you is what each one of you would've seen."

"What did you guys see?"

We all clamped our mouths shut. There was no way we were ever going to speak about what we all saw. That was that.

"Thank you guys so much but we have to get going. Our guild's probably worried for us right about now." Nyx waved her hands in front of her face while speaking, blushing about what she saw that was suppose to scare her.

Not one will ever emit this but what they saw, scared them to no ends.

Lucy's scared of being lost by herself.
Ace is afraid of flying objects.
Sting's scared of Frankenstein.
Rouge is afraid of wendigo's.
Nyx is scared of dizzying stairs.

They all plan on taking their fears to their graves.

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