Life Magic

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"Get up already! We have a guild to get to!" Multiple hands furiously shook my body, their only response being a 'hmmp.'

"Guess that settles it then. Ace! Since this is your first time, will you like to do the honors?"

"My pleasure." This was followed by a cracking of knuckles and a loud 'Yobu'. My heart instantly plummeted into my stomach as I felt two heavy body throwing themselves upon my frame. I groaned in deep pain, trying to get the new idiots off of me.

"I hate you guys." I spoke as I sat up and rubbed the sore spot upon my abdomen. "What're you guys doing here?"

I was referring to the familiar heat sources of my teammates. They all surrounded my still aching form and from what I can tell, they were snickering about my misfortune.

"We wanted to go to the guild but you were to busy sleeping. Now that you're awake, can you get up already!?" What an impatient boy. Just to get on his nerves, I laid back down, getting comfortable in the bundle of sheets that Nyx and I secured some time ago.

"Fine then. Ace, can you stay with her for awhile? The rest of us really want to pick out a job and with Lucy acting this way, I have a feeling we'll never get around to it. Just stay with her until we're ready, please?"

"Sure. Yobu, go with the rest of them. He hates to get lonely and likes an adventure so keep him company, will ya?"

Everyone agreed and left the tent, Ace and I all alone now. I still made no move to get up however. He was sitting next to my head but made no noise or any movement. We stayed that way for some time, neither of us wanting to break the comfortable silence that we created for ourselves. Then, he just had to ruin it.

"You're blind, right?"

"Jeez, I had no idea. To be honest, I love looking at the beautiful and colorful flowers that surrounds this place."

"No need to be so sarcastic, I was just asking a question."

The quietness had returned as soon as he finished his sentence. I slipped further into the warmth that he was currently providing. I clutched his waist and just snuggled, this peacefulness washing over me like waves of the ocean.

"I can help, if you like."

"What're you talking about?"

"My magic. It can help with your problem."

"Explain further please."

He sucked in a breath before continuing. "As you know, I specialize in aether magic. Creating a new life is difficult in ones position but it can help with multiple problems. Curing diseases for example."

By now, I was sitting on my folded knees and listening intently. I knew a lot about his magic but I never used it myself because it related to Sting's magic in a few ways. Plus, I never really had a purpose for creating another breathing entity. What he was saying at the moment was really piquing my interest.

"If you want me to, I can help with your blindness but be warned, it will only be cured for a couple of years. After that, I can't use it on you ever again. I never really needed to use that point in my magic because there wasn't anyone to heal besides my friends and I. I'm not proficient in it just yet. I'm hoping to become awesome in it while I'm in this guild."

"You're gonna do great, I know it!" I spoke to him with confidence and a fist pump. "Now then, about that blindness problem."

"Do you?"

"Go right ahead, I have no problems with it."

I sat up a little straighter when he placed the palm of his hand over my eyes, whispering to himself silently. I stayed quiet and listened in, not distracting hum from his ritual whatsoever. The energy that surged out of his body felt similar to healing magic but much brighter.

"Close your eyes." I did as told, my long eyelashes brushing against his palm. It changed nothing, black still covering my vision like it had before when my eyes were open. Even then, I felt myself becoming free from my invisible chains, his power making me feel like I could fly over the entire world. Just like that, everything had evaporated and my earlier feelings had dispersed into the air. Something felt different, like their was a dim light within my dark eyelids.

"I'm finished."

He removed his soft and warm hand from my face, fresh air hitting me as soon as he backed away.

"You can open them now." Doing as told, I flinched back a bit. My vision was blinded by a bright light that can from the open tent. My hands flew upwards to cover my face, eyes squinting to readjust themselves.

Blinking furiously, everything came into view. Blue sheets surrounded my small frame, legs entangled throughout them. The tent was a deep green, enough to block out the sunlight if wanted. Looking over, my eyes connected to the boy in question.

His eyes were magnificent. They were so bright that it was kind of hard to look away from. If anyone saw right now, they might mistake them for being brown but that's where they're wrong. His eyes were copper against honey and sage. The way that the light was hitting the two orbs, it seemed as if they glowed to brighten the darkest of nights. His eyes were the same shade of nature after it rains, truly magnificent.

"Are you alright Lucy? You've been staring for quite some time now." He placed his hands on my shoulders and I swore that I could feel might heart speed up, if only for a bit.

"Y-yeah. Thanks by the way. L-lets get going to the guild. I have a feeling that everyone's waiting for us." I hurriedly stood up and pushed the boy out of the tent. The entire time, my scarlet orbs were opened wide with surprise. Once he was out of sight, I clutched my clothes chest tightly in my balled fist and thought to myself.

What was that?

Acnologia LucyWhere stories live. Discover now