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Sunlight beamed on my bare skin, burning at the touch and waking me up. I turned over to block out the light only to fall onto a small and furry figure. It groaned in pain but I made no effort to move.

"Nyx, anyone ever tell you how soft you are?" I pulled her closer to my still too tired body. She tried her hardest to pull away, even using some of her own magic to do so, but to no avail. All I did was eat whatever attack that she threw at me.

"Get off of me you gorilla! We have things to do so get up already!"

"That's not very nice. What things do we have to do? I vote to stay in bed all day and cuddle. Whoever agrees please raise your hand and say I." Letting one hand go, I raised it high in the air and spoke in my groggy voice. "I."

"So I'm guessing that you don't want to go out and eat then. All right, I guess we'll just starve in here for the rest of the day."

Immediately, I sat up in my spot. The sheets that were draped over my small 111-year-old body and Nyx leaned against my side. My hair, like any other day, had pooled all around my face gracefully which always tickled my cheeks. The strap of my t-shirt was slightly falling off but I paid it no mind.

"I heard food!"

"Yes, you heard correctly. First, get dressed and then we'll be able to get ourselves something." I hurriedly nodded my head and started to feel around for my bracelet that I kept with me all of these years. It was like a miniature closet of mine that held lots of items.

"Anything specific that I have to wear?" She hummed in thought for a moment. Suddenly, she slapped my arm harshly which made me wince in pain.

"Cloak, wear a cloak!"

"Alright, alright!"

Standing up, I stretched out my back. I then summoned my outfit. It was just a normal dark blue dress and a black cloak that wrapped around my shoulders nicely.

"Perfect but, I think you're in need of a haircut." Hurriedly, I placed my hands on top of my head. I could trust Nyx with a brush and comb but scissors were a different story. She was like a monster with those things in her hand.

"Don't worry, I won't shave you bald. I'm just gonna trim it a little. It's too long to keep anyway."

"Don't worry, I'll do it myself!" There was a moment of silence inside of our makeshift camp. I couldn't see what was happening but I could imagine Nyx making a shocked face right about now.


We made our way throughout the wonderful town, Nyx grasping my hand tightly in her paws as she flew. She hasn't spoken to me since I picked up the scissors and caught my hair. I only did it until it reached my ears. If I could see it now, I probably think that I didn't do such a bad job.

"Nyx, please talk to me!"

"'Fine! I'll just say this! You look incredibly ridiculous. Your hair is a mess and shorter than I was gonna make it. All of that perfectly good hair, wasted. You know, someone would've killed for hair like yours!"

"It's not like I shaved myself bald! Plus, you out of all people should know how fast my hair grows. It's seriously ridiculous!"

"That's why you have me to keep it in check. But nooo! You just decided to cut it yourself. Not to mention that you're blind!"

I have to admit, she does have a point. I could picture myself in her shoes - or dress - just watching my blind self-cut my hair with no problem at all.

"Hey, are you blind?!"

Hot breath hit my face, literally! It felt like someone just placed loads of fire near me which stunk of different things that I couldn't point out.

"W-who are you?! Lucy, are you alright?! Hey, don't pull that!"

Nyx's voice sounded strained. I could recall that sound from anywhere. I once accidentally stepped on her tail without noticing and she could only talk to me in a strained voice for the rest of the day. Her tail was always the most sensitive of her body, much like other animals.

"Yes, I'm alright. And yes, I am blind. May I ask who you are?" I took a breath after each word, trying to find some fresh air away from the weird person with the hot breath without them knowing what I was doing. I didn't want to hurt their feelings.

"The names Natsu Dragneel! That freeze brain over their pulling your cat is Gray."

"What you say fire breath!?"

"You heard me ice princess!"

The two strangers began to argue right in front of us, the person named Gray finally letting my best friend go. She flew straight into my chest and I held her tightly, afraid of whatever the boy did to her tail.

"Quiet you two!" A loud slam was heard and the two who are arguing previously shut their mouths quickly. I stayed silent as well, the authoritative voice kind of surprised me.

"Hello, my name is Erza. Are you here to join the guild?"


"Hold on! You have to fight me first!" The first boy had spoken once again. I guess the fear from whatever had kept him quiet has worn off by now. He seems like a very arrogant person. I bet he has a lot of friends.

"Now just hold on-"

"I accept!" I hurriedly spoke before Nyx had rejected the boy. I haven't trained in my magic for a while so I was waiting for the perfect moment just to let them out. From the arrogance that this boy posses, I say that he must be fairly strong. That's good, I like a challenge.

"Well, since flame brain over here is fighting then I'll participate too. It's about time someone of my level joined the guild."

"You mean weak and puny?"

"Shut it flame brain!"

"Boys! How about we hurry this up and fight each other. I'm just gonna say this now. We are not here to join, only sightseeing. Right after this, we have someplace to be." Nyx had explained our situation in the shortest way possible. Lots of hums went around to tell me how we probably caused a huge crowd without noticing.

"I'll allow it. Please show us what you've got! Everyone, please begin to place your bets!" A new voice had joined us. The make sounded old and it came from below. If I had to guess, I say whoever just spoke was probably Nyx's size.

"Are you guys ready to be beat?"

"I think we should be asking you that." I smiled to myself and stood ways away from the two before me. Nyx was by my side, itching to hurry the fight so we could get to the guild that we were originally planning to go.

"Ready, set, go!"

All at once, fire and ice had shot out and headed straight towards the two of us. Nyx flew off while I stayed in my spot. Holding up one hand, I quickly chanted a few words to deflect his attack. The element that I had used was water. I've been wanting to try that one out for a while and that was the perfect chance to.

"Water Dragon's Roar!" I had called out as water shot out of my mouth and aimed straight for one of my two opponents. A loud yelp was heard and my magic had wared off after a while.

"The strangers win!"

Cheers had come from all around which I could only presume as the entirety of the guild I was facing off against.

"Hey, what's your name?!" It seems that I didn't knock him out long enough to make my escape. Nyx held my hand but stayed in her spot.

"Lucy and Nyx Yakshini. A pleasure to make your acquaintance."

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