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My father had never once told me about this, about what would happen if I trained in using his magic. During the year in which I was turning eight, everything started to blur. No matter how much rest I received or the glasses that Nyx somehow always had, everything was out of proportion for me.

He told me that because of the amount of magic that I was learning, one of my senses had to be taken away in order for me to continue on living. He had the blurred markings written over his body to help him control his crazed magic but that was it. I didn't receive those markings so now I'm blind. For how long, I don't know but I honestly don't care.

If being blind means that I can start with father and continue to learn more magic with him, then I'm all for it. After all, I am nine years old now. Of course, that means that I had stayed with him.

At the moment, I was in my room with Nyx. She insisted on doing my hair so she forced me to sit in front of the vanity. Even though I couldn't see what she was doing with it, I could feel it. She continually tugged at my hair without a care in the world. All I wanted to do was go out and train a bit more.

That's what I would do every day. Either father or Nyx would accompany me to my outings and assist with whatever I needed help with. By now, because of my everyday training, I'm proficient in all of my magic, but I still loved to go try it out. One day, I'm planning on facing an opponent with great strength to test myself.

"Lucy, Nyx! Please come for a moment."

In a rush, we hurried out of the room and after the loud voice that called the both of us. Whenever he would call the both of us, there was always important news to be said.

"Lucy, Nyx. On the day after your birthday next year, I will be leaving on a very important mission. We will possibly see each other again but I heavily doubt it. I will miss you both, as you are my daughter's." His voice was calm and stoic but after the years that I spent with him, I learned that he does so to hide his true feelings.

"I understand father. You are the black dragon, the Dragon King. You have responsibilities to take care of and we understand that. Just know that we love you. Please, let's just hold on to the hope of seeing each other once again."

I grabbed onto the meaty muscle that made up my father. We all hugged each other and didn't have the thought to let go at all.

I pulled away, Nyx still sitting upon my head.

For the rest of our time together, we would go out multiple times to train. My father would challenge me to a magic battle in which he would always win, and Nyx trained me in hand to hand combat.

We did this for our remaining time together. Even though training isn't really considered family time to most people, we would treasure these moments till the end of time.


I swung my feet out over the edge of the cave that stood tall on top of the cliff. For as long as I lived here, I couldn't imagine the day in which I would have to actually leave our home. Father has already left about a year and a few months ago. It has just been Nyx and me since then and we lived life without any problems.

Nyx was currently packing away our stuff which wasn't much. I kept most of my items in the magical bracelet that father had given me on one of my birthday's. We were planning on traveling to different places.

Before I went blind, I was reading a rather amazing book that held my interest. It spoke of a guild that resided in Magnolia. It was considered the strongest guild of them all. It held many powerful mages and they treated each other as family. That was something that I would love to be within.

Of course, I am unable to. Nyx and I plan on going to our family's guild. At least, we think of them as family. We plan on going there and to join their guild. I hope they'll remember me because if not, I might have to fight and I don't appreciate fighting family.

"I'm all ready to go!" Nyx sat on top of my head once again but this time, there was another weight accompanying her. It must've been her bag seeing as I could feel something poking my head.

"Alright Nyx, lead the way!"

With that, we were off.

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