Chapter 32

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Sabertooth-39 points
Blue Pegasus-21 points
Raven Tail-19 points
Lamia Sacale-15 points
Mermaid Heel-15 points
Fairy Tail-9 points
Qautro Puppy-4 point

Those were the scores that were posted right after the Power Finder event.

They already began to announce the next battle that will be taking place.

I was quite distressed after everything. I broke their machine. I thought that I would receive punishment for it bit it turns out that I get the highest score. That was so weird.

I also forgot to mention. I don't know the details of what happened but both teams of Fairy Tail had merged together to create a better team.

They now consisted of Natsu, Gray, Erza, a little girl with blue hair and pigtails, and a blonde man with a scar going down his face. They are always changing their teammates. At least it gives me a better understanding of their guild mates.

"Laxus from Fairy Tail vs Alexei from Raven Tail!"

The man with the scar going down his face seemed alert at the names called.

So he's name is Laxus. I can just smell the dragon slaying magic on him. I wonder what he can do.

Curiosity got the best of me as I leaned forward in my seat to watch the battle from a better angle.

"I think she's gonna fall over like that."

"Probably but that's Lucy for you. Always being the wise yet weird one out if the group."

"Frosch thinks so too!"

Lector and Nyx talked from the side of me in whispers. They weren't doing a good job however.

"Bringing the lightning is Fairy Tails beast, Laxus Dryer!"

"Going up against the mysterious maintenance yellow mask, Raven Tails Alexei!"

The two stood face to face on the battle round. Tension was high in the air as my eyes surveyed them. It seems that Fairy Tail and Raven Tail have some history together.

"Competitors, please step forward."

They began to walk closer to each other.

"Let the battle begin!"

*Third Person POV*

Laxus was the first to break the silence.

"A mysterious member of my old man's guild. Nice mask. Now tell me who you really are!"

Alexei charged at Laxus at lightning speed. Being shocked, Laxus was knocked to the ground, his heavy fur coat being knocked off as well. Gasp came from the Fairy Tail guild in pure shock that their member was attacked without any hint of resignation. Laxus landed on his feat as the mysterious opponent continued to charge at him without stopping. He landed a kick to the side of Laxus which sent a few speckles of blood to follow suit as well.

A powerful blast of dark energy was sent in Laxus' direction without any hint of a fair warning. He screamed out in pain from the wave of dark energy. With every punch and kick that was sent his way, it seemed that Laxus of Fairy Tail was losing.


Fairy Tail continued to talk as if it was a shock to them that this lightning man was losing.

"Incredible. Alexei used a furious uppercut to the jaw. He's left Laxus powerless!" The announcer spoke with enthusiasm. The crowd watched intently from the seats in the stands with wide eyes.

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