Mind Games (Part 2)

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*Lucy's POV*

"Where am I now?" The torch that I held in my hand lit up the dark hallway as best as possible. The flames danced around and licked at my knuckles but I paid it no mind. I took small steps, turning down corners every once in a while. I haven't come across anyone at all which only made my nerves reach high levels.

Nearing a corner, I could hear and feel the air around me start to shift. It made a swishing sound and felt slightly sharper than usual. Looking down the hallway, I didn't find anything unusual, aside from the entire place as a whole.

Grunts could be hears to my right, somehow behind a chipping wall. I leaned in closer to hear whatever was happening inside. That proved to be a grave mistake when a sharp object lodged itself right beside my head. I couldn't tell what it was since it came from the other side of the wall but that told me all I needed to know.

I placed the torch into one of the holders that lined the wall opposite of where I was facing. I stood ways away from the wall and took a deep breath. Swinging one arm behind me, my first balled tightly, I called out.

"Lightning Dragon's Fist!" My hand was encased in static and powerful lightning. The hallway that I stood in lit up with life as my fist connected with the wall. The crumbling of the cement was all I heard and the smoke that surrounded me made it so my vision was a bit blurred.

"Lucy?" A male voice came from in front of me. If I wasn't mistaken, I could swear that it was Ace.

"What's going on in here?" I asked as my vision finally cleared up. We were standing in a dining room of some sort and other than the two of us, no one was in here. "I thought I heard fighting."

"Becareful. There's someone, or thing, in here with us." As he finished speaking, a group of spoons flew towards my head and in a moment of shock, I ducked just on the nick of time.

"What was that?!"

"I just said that something's in here! I can't find it though!"

"How are we suppose to fight it!"

He shrugged his shoulders in response to my question. Just then, every peice of furniture seemed to levitate off of the ground at the same time. The two of us stood shocked at the scene that was playing out before us. Suddenly, half of the silverware aimed themselves towards me.

I stayed glued to my spot, unable to move due to the shock that ran straight through my body. My eyes dilated as the sharp silverware flew towards me. In the last second, I closed my eyes tightly and put my arms in front of my face in an X-formation.

"Lucy!" Suddenly, I was pushed towards the ground with a heavy force. Warm hands surrounded me which made the impact to the floor not entirely hard and ruff. The silverware made a low thud, ending up lodged once again into the wall.

"Are you ok?"

I turned over onto my back and opened up my eyes only to come face to face with a heavily breathing Ace. My scarlet orbs stared back into his bright maple colored ones. His breath fanned my face which bought a light tint of red to dust over my cheeks.

"Just so you know, I don't need a knight."

"Are you sure? The way you stood there told me otherwise." He spoke to me with a small smirk controlling his lips. I glared before pushing him off of me. We both stood up and dusted off the dirt that we had acquired from the fall.

"Do you know where we are?"

"My guess is, some kind of castle. Espically with all the hallways, torchlights, and the huge dining room." I answered his question while glancing around. "By the way, do you really think now is a good time to be talking?"

Acnologia LucyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin