Naval and Battle

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From what Nyx tells me, it seems that my two dragon slayers at the bottom came in last place, their motion sickness taking over but pulling through in the end. From the scoreboard, it seems that nothing has changed. We were still somehow in first and Fairy Tail was in third.

"~kabo! Wasn't that amazing. Dragon slayers and their motion sickness, am I right?!"

Most of the audience laughed half-heartedly as the rest of us waited for the next game.

"I'm sorry guys. I didn't know about the rules of the game. I should've waited first before jumping down there."

"Sting-kun, you were still amazing down there. Against Natsu, you still came in first." Lector did his best to cheer up his bestest friend. To help out, Nyx jumped in. Sometimes, I really do think those two are dating.

"Besides, were still in first. There's just one more game and then a battle between the top two. Don't worry your blond little head."

"Lucy's blond too!"

"Unlike you who grew up with it, I dyed me hair just this morning. I shouldn't be lumped with you."

"Hey, Sting-kun is the greatest blond there is. He shouldn't be lumped with you!" Nyx let out a low growl which quickly shut Lector up. One of the announcers were talking but we were too busy having a anger of our own to notice. Luckily, Rouge, being the loner that he is, heard everything that he had spoken.

"It's called naval battle. A female from each team has to enter than water sphere and battle. The last one remaining inside is the winner. Everyone gains points based on the order that they fallout in."

I shook my head in understanding, not being able to see the sphere that he talked about.

"I'll do it. Lucy is currently handicapped and I'm strongly other female here."

I smiled in delight as I conjured something from my still enact bracelet.

"Since you're going inside, don't you think that you should have a super cute bathing suit?"

"Frosch thinks so too!"

"Y-yes. I-it is w-water after all." Lector jumbled over his words as E fantasized about seeing Nyx in a cute bathing suit in her human form.

"No thanks. I already have something prepared. Sting, Rouge. You'll need to be Lucy's eyes and tell her everything that's happening in detail. Understand?"

"Sure. We can handle a simple task like that."

"Good, I'm counting on you."

The sound of flapping could be heard a little ways above me and into a changing room of sorts that they acquired for all of the girls at one point.

"W-what is she wearing?!" Lector was stomping his tiny paws onto the ground as he yelled out in surprise. My face must've been one of confusion as Sting told me what happened.

"She's wearing one of those things that go down to your elbow and knees. Black and white." I had to try and imagine what he was talking about. From what I could tell, it must've been something ugly and unpleasing from the way Lector yelled out.

"Let the game begin!"


"Fairy Tail is now in second place beside Sabertooth. From their outstanding performance, I can only imagine what the battle will be like!"

It seems that Erza from Fairy Tail participated and was the second to last to staying he sphere, besides Nyx. I knew she was strong when she faced off against those monsters but this just takes the cake.

Oh man! Now I'm hungry again!

"You were awesome out there Nyx! Although, it would've been better if you wore tat swimsuit that Lucy had for you."

"Frosch thinks so too."

"I still won didn't I. Now, stop being so salty and get ready for the next battle."

"Now, as said, the top two teams, Fairy Tail and Sabertooth, will be going head to head in a 2x2 battle. Pick your strongest players because our going to need it."

Now this is where Ace comes in.

"I told you that I had something better planned for you Ace."

"I'm off here. Your facing the wall right now."

His voice came from my left so turned mybody the best that I could in the car that I was currently situated on. All eyes were on me from my teammates.

"Lucy and Ace. I think this style just calls out for you two!"

"Why not me! I'm strong too!"

"Stronger than Nyx? I don't think so. It's a miracle that your letting me go down in the first place."

"I want your creations to run wild. Plus, just this a new way to impress your precious girlfriend over there?"

"F-fine. I been meaning to try out my new living being. But what about you? You just lost one of your important senses. Isn't that kind of a disadvantage?"

"Don't worry about me. Like I said, I'll be fine. Plus, you guys consider me your strongest even in this state. I think I can handle myself."

In a moment of silence, everyone began to shout out sure or yes in embarrassment.

"Sorry. We were modding our ears, forgetting tat you couldn't see us." I giggled at their stupidity. Sometimes, even Nyx can E an idiot. Even though thats a rare occasion.

I petted who's ever was that I could touch, which turned out to be Rouge and Sting, and made my way down to the battle field with Ace's help.

"Lucy, is that you!? What did you do to your hair? Not that I don't like it but still? And why are your eyes closed? Why is he so close to you?!" Natsu's loud voice rang through my ears like a bell going off. Losing one sense can make your others go haywire and become more aware. I always cursed my sense of smell when I caught a scent of things that I didn't appreciate. Now my hearing is going off the charts. This is horrible.

"Yeah Natsu. It's me. I dyed my hair and changed my outfit. I have a reason for my eyes to be closed but that isn't important right now. And Ace is helping me. If that's all, I'm looking forward to fighting you."

Sniffing the air, I could smell a strong scent of two dragon slayers before us. Natsu and the iron slayer. Gajeel Redfox was his name. Using my now enhanced telepathy, I talked to ace without the others knowing.

You take on the fire dragons son first. I want to test out the iron eaters magic. If you have to, go all out. Doesn't matter if you win or lose. Just have fun and impress your girl. Got it?"

In response, he hummed. I nodded my head and stood up straight in posture. We were all now ready to battle. Waiting for the announcers permission felt like entirety as we all stood our grounds.

"Ready! Begin!"

With that, we took off.

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