Third Battle

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"~kabo! Now then, let's move on with the third battle of the day. Everyone, please turn your heads towards the big board."

The board began to turn from different faces until it landed on a familiar one.

"Toby from Lamia Scale vs. Nyx from Sabertooth."

Cheers erupted from the stands as Toby made his way down towards the ground, a plain white sock hanging from around his neck weirdly.

"Nyx, I want you to go down there and kick some butt, alright. Make us proud." I high fived her small paw as the rest of our team continued to cheer her on. She smiled happily as she flew her way down towards the battle field. They stood face to face with each other, Nyx calculating his fighting skills.

Looking up, a man held a huge hammer in his hands and hit it against a body sized bell which made a loud noise, signaling the start of the battle.

"Ultra poison nails, mega mega jellyfish!" His irritating and scratchy voice had filled the air as his nails grew long and green. He began to charge at Nyx, which became hard to do seeing as she was still in her cat form.

Heaving a sigh of my own, I used one of my magics.


'Nyx, can you hear me?'

Lucy's voice ran through my head. She's using her telekinesis it seems.

'Yes, what is it?'

'Can you make it easier on the poor kid. Seriously, it's the least you can do. He seems really into it.'

I heaved a deep sigh, looking back at the weird dog boy with that disgusting sock that he hangs around his neck. He should really invest on getting a shirt, and shoes.

'Fine, I'll do it. I want to see what he's got anyway.'

I stopped a few feet away from him and turned into my human self. Gasp were heard all around me as I faced off with Toby once again.

"Hey, hey! Can I do that too?!" A childish voice came over from the Fairy Tail stand. A flying blue cat had his bright and sparkling eyes concentrated on me. Another exceed it seems. Just great. Next to him were two more who also had questioning looks in their eyes.

If I told them about how they could become humans as well, I would just lose my originality. Not a chance.

Toby swiped at me in a fast motion but I luckily escaped from it unscathed, just barely.

"Just because your a human now won't give you a chance in the world to beat me!"

Growing bored, I dismembered myself into a pile of black feathers.

"S-she just vanished!"

Yeah right.

I aimed my feathered body towards him and charged. His idiotic scream could have busted my ear drums if it wasn't for that stupid flying blue cat still crying out, asking me about myself. I'm thankful to him at the moment, but I'm never saying it.


My body reformed itself away from the screaming Toby.

"Your stronger than I thought you were."

"Hmm, your not so bad yourself I guess."

"I wish I had a cool name like Nyx. It sounds so magical."

"I can understand that. Toby is so idiotic. But Nyx isn't magical at all. It's just a name."

"You mean you lied to me!" His scratchy voice seemed to get angrier but I couldn't tell at all.

"What are you talking about you bumble brain?"

He began to charge at me the same way he did before as I just email blocked all of is attacks.

"Alright, if I win you have to tell me what your magic is other than turning from a cat to a human, deal!?"

"When I win, what's my prize?"

"I'll tell you my super special secret that nobody knows!"

"Alright then. It's a deal."

"It seems that our competitors are starting a friendly wager."

"I would consider for one of them to hurry before time runs out."

"A little gambling. This should make things a little more interesting."

These annoying people are trying to divert my attention away from the fight. Can they just please shut their mouths.

"Nails, nails, nails, nails!!" He kept repeating the same word over and over again. A small headache was starting to form but heeding Lucy's advice, I kept going easy on him.

Cheers from all around the stands could be heard as I grew annoyed.

'Ok Nyx. Let it out. I can see millions f tick marks appearing on your forehead.'

She chuckled a bit at the end, cutting off her telekinesis.

Smiling to myself, I yelled.

"Earth dragon roar!"

Sucking in the air and earth around me, I blew it all out in is direction. He screamed out in pain as dust clouded around us. The stadium became silent as the could finally see what happened.

Toby was laid out on the ground as I stood above him in my still human form. He was injured but not severely and I barely ad even a hint of sweat on my body.

"The dust has settled and as you can clearly see Toby's on the ground. All right folks. Nyx as took this battle as her own with another with for Sabertooth."

Lucy's POV

Cheers had came from every direction.

"Nyx, Nyx, Nyx!"

Lamia Scale looked as though they already knew that this was going to happen. I silently smiled to myself as I could still hear the blue cat yelling out questions about herself.

"How can you turn human?! How did you learn dragon slaying magics?! Can you teach me?! I'll be good!"

The ones from Fairy Tail were whispering to themselves but could be heard with a trained ear.

"I got the feeling that she was holding back."

"How can you think that way after what you just saw. An exceed just turned human and used dragon slaying magic!"

"Well, she is Lucy's exceed. I can only expect the best from her comrades."

That's right. Only expect the best.

Now then, please look at the score board folks.

1. Sabertooth - 30 points
2. Blue Pegasus - 20 points
3. Raven Tail - 19 points
4. Mermaid Heel - 12 points
5. Lamia Scale - 10 points
6. Quattro Kerberos - 2 points
7. Fairy Tail B - 1 point
8. Fairy Tail A - 0 points

I was happy to see that our team was coming in first but saddened to see how both groups of Fairy Tail were far behind everyone else.

But this is only just day 2 of the GMG's. I have a feeling that they will somehow pick themselves back up.

"Now then folks. That concludes day 2 of the Grand Magic Games. I hope to see you all again tomorrow for some new games to play ~kabo!"

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